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The next morning Kasey and Kelley are awoken by the sound of ringing and Kasey reaches over to collect her phone, before struggling to swipe accross to answer it. 

She lets out a yawn, "Hello?" 

"Good morning to you too, Sister in law; where the heck are you guys?" 

"Still in bed, why?" 

"Well, because you're both late for breakfast and Kylie is waiting for you." 

"Shit! We're getting up now, stall the parents and we'll be there as soon as we can be. Thanks, Erin." 

"I already pushed the reservation back an hour; you owe me, Wild."  

"Thank you, see you soon!" 

Kasey turns over and sees Kelley smiling at her, "Morning, beautiful." 

She smiles back, "Good morning, yourself. So apparently, I accidentally set my alarm for 8 pm rather than am and now we're both late for breakfast with everyone." 

Kelley lets out a chuckle, "I'm sure the 'rents all have a good idea as to why we're late, so why don't we indulge ourselves and be even later?" She leans over to kiss Kasey and the keeper backs away, "Not a chance, O'Hara; we need to make some moves. I need to take Buddy out, how about you grab a shower and then I'll grab one once I'm back." 

"Or you could always join me in the shower?" 

"And then we'd definitely not make it in time for breakfast. Now, get your ass up O'Hara!" 

Kasey lifts the covers off herself before then heading over to her dresser and collecting some comfies to pull on. She quickly gets dressed and makes a pit stop in the bathroom, before heading out to take care of the dog. 

Arriving back from their combination walk / jog, Kasey ensures that Buddy's food and water dishes are topped before heading into the bedroom and removing her clothes. She hears the water stop running and the door opens with Kelley appearing wrapped in a towel, "Perfect timing, I hope you left me some hot water." 

Kelley smiles and nods, "Sure thing, Babe." Kasey gives her wife's body a quick once over as the freckled defender drops her towel to the floor. 

"If you're drooling, you ain't moving, Wild." 

Kasey laughs as she adjusts the temperature of the water before stepping underneath it and letting out a moan as the hot water does it's job. She does a quick wash job of her hair and body and then climbs out, towelling off as she walks into the bedroom. 

As slides on underwear, Kasey hears whistling behind her, "The changes in your diet and training are definitely working."

"And you can tell that by staring at my ass?" 

"I can tell plenty of things by staring at your ass or breasts for that matter." 

"How about you put your talents to better use right now and grab me a shirt to put on from the closet." 

Kelley tosses her over an Under Armous long sleeve and she pulls it over her head, finishing off the look with a pair of comfy jeans. She heads back into the bathroom to brush her teeth and put on a subtle amount of makeup, opting to go for the tame look on the day and not putting any gel in her hair, just simply brushing it. 

Running shoes on and leather jacket collected from the back of a chair, she makes her way out to the livingroom, finding Kelley sitting on the couch texting. 

"Let's go, Kel!" 

The couple collect their things and head towards the door and out to Kasey's Camaro. 

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