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Kasey woke up Sunday morning, and after getting her bearings as to where she was and who was snuggled up tight to her, she very gently lifted Kylie's head off her lap before heading to the bathroom and completing her morning routine. 

Returning to the living room, Kasey found that Kylie was now sitting up and in the process of searching for something to watch on the television.

Kasey called out, "Morning, Ky," before heading into the kitchen to make her much needed cup of coffee and to decide what they were going to have for breakfast. 

"Mom, can we have pancakes?" 

Kasey smiled and nodded, "Pancakes it is." 

After Kasey finished making them pancakes and delivered a plate to Kylie on the couch, they both polished them off fairly quickly, leaving nothing but a bit of syrup and crumbs on the plate. 

"You don't work today, right, Mom?" 

Collecting their plates, Kasey stood up, "No, I took today off so I could spend time with you and also work on an assignment; why? Oh, wait, let me guess you want to go to the park." 

"Please, Mom? I really need to work on my shooting." 

"Ky, there's more to soccer than just shooting all the time. How about we work on some footwork today?"

"Fine. So, when can we go?" 

Kasey shook her head and smiled, "I have a little bit of writing left on my psychology paper, and I do believe that you have some Math homework that needs your attention; How about once we are both done our homework, we go?"

"I hate Math! When am I ever going to use algebra in real life?" 

"Ky, the sooner you finish your questions, the sooner we can go to the park. Would you mind if I invited a friend along to join us today?" 

"You've got a friend?" 

"Surprisingly, yes, her name is Jen, and she plays soccer as well."

"Is she the one who 'megged you during the tryouts?" 

"I should have never told you about that, and yes, she is." 


With Kylie heading into her room, Kasey got herself set up on the table in front of her laptop and gigantic textbook. Before starting, she decided to send Jen a quick message and see if she could join them. It would help take both their minds off the emails they both hoped to receive later that afternoon. 

New Message

Kasey: Hey J, you want to play some ball with my daughter and me this aft?

Jen: Sure, when and where?

Kasey: Sandy hill Park @1 bring cleats and lots of water!! 

Jen: Lol! Will do. 

A few hours later, Kasey and Kylie sit on the bench at the park, lacing up their cleats, when Jen arrives and joins them. 

"Kylie, this is Jen." 

Kylie gives Jen the once over and smiles, "Nice to meet you. So you're the one who 'megged my Mom, eh? Can you show me how to do that?" 

Jen couldn't help but laugh at Kylie's question/comment, "I'll do my best. It's nice to meet you, Kylie, finally. Your Mom talks about you, non-stop." 

"I do not!" Kasey responds.

Jen gives her a look. 

"Okay, maybe a little, but there's nothing wrong with being proud of my kid and wanting to tell the world." 

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