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The next morning, Kasey curls up on the bus and closes her eyes in hopes of catching a bit of shut-eye en route back to Ottawa. Kasey found herself struggling to unwind last night and stay asleep, finally deciding in the early hours of the morning to focus on completing her assignments and hoping that they would put her to sleep, which they did but not nearly long enough for her needs or liking. 

As she gets comfortable, her phone buzzes in her jacket pocket and the screen glows with a new message. 

New Message

Kelley: I hope you were able to get some sleep last night; I know how difficult it is for you to relax when you're away from Kylie. I'm assuming that you are already on the bus and making the drive back to Ottawa. To answer your question, I may have made a bet with Jill that you get a clean sheet in exchange for some sessions. I would never bet against a sure thing like you. Anyway, have a safe trip home and message me when you arrive. Love you, XOXO. 

NWSL News and Results

Heath and Sinclair lead the way with two goals apiece as the Portland Thorns dump the Spirit 4 - 1. The Thorns will now head to Chicago to finish out the regular season against the Red Stars. 

In other games around the league, the North Carolina Courage knocked off the basement-dwelling Sky Blue FC by a final score of 6 - 1. The Courage will be at home next weekend to the Dash while Sky Blue will make the trip back to New Jersey and finish out their season at home against their fellow outsiders, the Orlando Pride, in hopes of not finishing at the bottom of the table. 

As they make the slow walk back to the changeroom after their disappointing outing against the Courage, Kelley can't help but shake her head, "We played like absolute crap out there today; I honestly can't wait for this season to be over, Kailen." 

Kailen nods, "Yeah, I'm not sure what was going through the girl's heads today; we were anything but a cohesive unit. Truly disappointing to get blown out like that late in the season; hopefully, there will be some changes ahead of next season." 

Kelley nods, "It's frustrating for sure. I love being apart of this team, and we've got a great group of girls, but I'm tired of losing all the time." 

"Yeah. I just can't wait to get home and curl up in Dom's arms tonight." 

"You just had to rub it in that I'm going home to an empty apartment, huh, Sheridan?" 

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking of that, KO. I just meant that I miss my girl." 

"I know, it's insane how much I miss Kasey and talking on the phone just isn't enough." 

Kailen smiles, "You mentioned that you wanted her to meet your family. Why don't you ask her about the possibility of her and Kylie joining you in Georgia while they're on break from school?" 

Kelley's face lights up, "That's an awesome idea! Thanks, Kai!" 

Kelley hugs her goalkeeper, causing Kailen to laugh. 

"Thanks for being a good teammate and an even better friend, Kai. I know I've been told that I'm a bit of a handful at times, and I appreciate everything you've done with and for Kasey and me as well."    

"I'd do anything for #Kellsey." 

"You didn't just say that." 

Kailen smiles and laughs, "Oh, but I did!" 

The two players laugh as they head inside and go about completing their postgame. 

While Kelley waits for the remainder of her teammates on the bus afterwards, she decides to message Kasey. 

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