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The next morning Kasey finds it difficult to get up and get moving after barely sleeping during the night. 

Kelley lets herself in the room carrying a cup of hotel coffee, a bagel and a banana in her hands. 

"Kase?" "Babe?" Kasey?" 

Kasey covers her head over with the blanket, "Tired, need sleep." 

Kelley sets down the food in her hands on the table and lets out a chuckle, "You're starting to sound more like me all the time beautiful." 

"Not funny." 

"Yeah, it kinda is. I brought you some coffee and something to eat."

Kasey lifts the covers, "Coffee?" 

Kelley smiles and nods as she hands her wife a cup of the hotel's finest brew.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome. Don't take this the wrong way, but, you look like shit and well, you kinda smell. What exactly happened after I left you last night?" 

Kasey shrugs, "I couldn't sleep and ended up in the gym early this morning. When I got back, I was too gassed to even bother to shower or change and just crashed. I met a woman while I was there, her name is Danielle or Dani for short, she works in the Toronto office for Universal and will be working with me."  

"Nice. Is she cute?" 

Kasey laughs, "Really Kel?" 

"No, I just wanted to see you smile. Anyway, I'm going to head back to my room to shower, dress and get my stuff together for the game." 

"You could always shower here, you know." 

"I could, but, I have a feeling that wouldn't be in either of our best interests at the moment. I'm assuming that I probably shouldn't wear my travel gear to your meeting, right?" 

"Probably not." 

"Okay, then, I'm going to track down Janice and see what she has for me to wear, because, I'm running short on clean stuff." 

"That's what you get for not making use of the laundry facilities when you have the chance." 

"Shush you. Anyway, now, I'm off. Love you and see you soon, Babe." Kelley leans over and kisses her, "Don't forget to eat, Wild Thing." 

After tossing the peel from the banana in the garbage can, Kasey strips out of her stinky clothes and tosses them in a pile on the floor before making her way into the bathroom to shower and get cleaned up. Standing under the showerhead with the water pelting against her naked body, Kasey turns to allow it to beat against her neck and shoulders in hopes of relaxing them before then climbing out as her skin begins to prune up. 

Towel drying her hair, and then wrapping the towel around herself she makes her way over to her suitcase and pulls out her "power outfit" as Jen and Kylie called before then laying it on the bed. Drying off she slides on socks and underwear and then pulls on her skin-tight jeans. Fixing the strap on her black lace bra, she heads back to the bathroom to put the finishing touches on her hair and makeup. With that done, she buttons up the red top that she knows reveals just enough.     

Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, Kasey can't help but smile and think about how far she's come in her life as her hand grasps at the elephant around her neck and her wedding rings shine in the reflection. 

Taking a few deep breaths, she completes the last few tasks at hand before slipping on her favourite ankle boots, leather jacket and Aviators to complete the look. Checking that she has everything in her purse, she exits the room and heads to the elevator to catch it down to the 5th floor. 

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