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The next morning, Tobin, Christen and Alex decide to head out on an early morning coffee/tea run. After seeing Ashlyn and Pinoe in the hallway they invite their teammates to join them. Pinoe decides to pass on the offer of going but asks that they bring her back something. 

"Can we stop at my room? I wanna grab my hoodie and wallet." 

"Make it quick, Tobs." 

Tobin swipes her keycard and opens the door to her room, smiling as she sees Kasey and Kelley asleep in the bed together. She puts her finger in front of her face and nods to her teammates indicating that they should take a look. 

"They look so cute and happy together." 

"They really do, Alex. It's nice to see KO happy." 

"We should get out of here before we wake them up." 

As they move towards the door, Kelley opens her eyes and seeing the beautiful woman sharing her can't help but smile before leaning over and kissing her. 


Kelley turns around and notices the small group of her teammates standing there watching them. 

"What are you guys doing here?" 

Tobin lifts up her sweatshirt, "I just came to get my shirt, they followed me in." 

Christen looks over at her, "Really Tobs, you signalled for us to come in and see them." 

"Yeah, Tobs." Ashlyn makes a face as she says it, getting her own look from Tobin. 

Tobin turns back towards Kelley, "I take it that the talk went well?" 

Kelley nods, "It did. Thanks again for the heads up, Tobs." 

Tobin nods, "I'm glad it did."

Alex interrupts, "No, we're all glad it did. Tobin filled us in." 

Kasey hearing voices turns over and opens her eyes. Expecting only to see Tobin, she's surprised to see the extra players in the room.

"Morning, everyone." 

Kelley turns over and pulls Kasey in for a hug before placing a kiss on her cheek, "Good morning beautiful and Happy Birthday!" 

"Thank you."

"It's your birthday?" Alex asks to which Kasey smiles and nods. 

"Happy Birthday," the members of the group respond with Ashlyn proceeding to break out into a horrible rendition of the birthday song, making everyone laugh at her. 

"We were on our way out to get tea, well, coffee and tea, you guys want to join us?" Christen asks.

"Kase, don't you have class this morning?"

"Normally, I'd have class from 11 - 1, but this week we have a guest speaker, so it's optional and I wasn't planning on going. Not gonna lie, a coffee sounds really good right about now." 

Alex reaches for the door and opens it, "Make yourselves presentable and meet us down in the lobby; we can all get coffee together." 

Kasey smiles at Kelley, momentarily losing herself in the defender's hazel coloured eyes as her smile is returned. 

"As much as I'm enjoying what we currently have going on, we really should get up and ready. Alex is rather impatient and if we don't show up in the lobby soon, she is going to start messaging and calling me until we do." 

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