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Arriving at the hotel, Ali puts the car in park and the two climb out. Kasey opens the backdoor and collects her bag off the seat while Ali holds onto the tray with their coffees. 

Kasey's face lights up as they make the walk towards the front doors. 

"Oh, I almost forgot you're sharing a room with me. There is an unwritten rule amongst the players and staff where we don't have sleepovers on the nights before big games." 

Kasey does her best not to show disappointed she is with the news, but Ali picks up on the change in demeanour. 

"I know it sucks. I have a hard time falling asleep without Ash being beside me. How about we drop your bag off at our room and then we'll head up to see KO?" 

"Sounds good, I can use a mirror check as well." 

Ali smiles, "You're fine, Kasey." 

With Ali and Kasey's room being on the ground floor of the hotel it doesn't take long for them to reach it and after Kasey does a quick check of her look, they head to the elevator and push the button. Kasey watches the panel light up as they rise to the 4th floor, before the clime sounds and they step out into the hallway. 

As they do, they meet up with the trio of Alex, Tobin and Christen. They share hugs and greetings. 

"Worms has been driving me nuts in anticipation of your arrival." 

Kasey laughs, "Sorry, Alex." 

"No worries. We're heading out to grab a bite, we'd invite you but I'm assuming there is someone, oops I meant, something else you'd prefer to be doing right about now." 

Kasey smiles and blushes, causing them all to laugh at her.

The elevator door opens and Alex steps inside as does Christen. 

"See you later, Wild Thing. Have fun." Tobin laughs as she steps inside. 

"Wild Thing?" Ali looks at her, "Something I should know?" 

"Not what you think. My Capital City teammates caught me singing along to the song Wild Thing on the bus and the nickname was born." 

Ali nods, "I wasn't thinking anything bad about it. I thought perhaps it had to do with your hair." 

Kasey laughs, "Maybe a little. Now, what room are we headed to?"  

Ali leads the way and knocks on a door before moving to the side, mindful that she is still carrying the coffees in her arms. 

The door opens with lightning speed and Kelley smiles at Kasey before wrapping her arms around her and kissing her. They smile at each other, content to be held in the other's arms. 

Ali watches them and can't help but smile as she sees for herself how happy Kelley is now that Kasey has arrived and how no one else in the world exists at the moment. 

"Ahem, sorry, to interrupt your moment and all, but these coffees are kinda awkward to hold and well, I'd prefer to not decorate this beautiful carpet with them." 

Kasey and Kelley both laugh out as they look down and the horrendous-looking hotel carpeting before Kelley opens the door to her room for them. 

"Coffee?" Ali asks as she sets the tray down on the table. 

"Yes!" Kelley says, causing Kasey to laugh.

"Did I hear the word coffee?" Ashlyn asks from the doorway behind them. 

"Hey Ash, how are you?" Kasey asks the keeper as she gives her a hug.

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