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Beep ... beep ... beep

Kasey lets out a loud groan as she reaches over and turns off her alarm. She lays there for a few minutes allowing herself to wake up and gain her bearings before unplugging her phone and turning her attention to the large number of messages displayed on the screen. 

Seeing and reading the messages and noticing the number of missed calls from Kelley, Kasey immediately feels horrible about holding back the truth and decides to send her a message. 

New Message

Wild Thing: Morning, Kel. I'm sorry about being unreachable yesterday. I had a legit reason, and I should have shared it with you at the time, but I didn't want to worry you. I want you to know that I'm okay, and I promise to fill you in on everything when you get back. I love you, Kelley, and I can't wait to have you back in my arms. Have a safe flight, and I'll see you soon.  

After pushing the send button, Kasey drags herself out of bed and heads to the bathroom to do what she needs. Looking at her arm in the mirror, the stitches are noticeable, and the area is slightly swollen. Still, she assumes that to be normal and finishes up before heading out to the kitchen to get started on making breakfast and lunches, but first and most importantly, getting herself a cup of coffee. 

As she moves around the kitchen, she drops a box of granola bars, and they make a surprisingly loud sound as they hit the floor. "Damn it!" She picks up the contents on puts the box back on the shelf. 

"Why are you so loud?" 

Kasey hears the voice and registers that rather than climbing into her bed and sharing it with her during the night, Jen opted just to curl up and sleep on the couch instead.  

"Sorry, the box slipped out of my hand. How come you slept out here and not in the bedroom with me?" 

"Ummm... well, that's KO's spot now, not mine." 

Kasey shakes her head, "I'm fairly certain she wouldn't have cared if it was only for a night. Do you want some coffee?" 


"I'm making some eggs for Kylie and me. Do you want some as well?" 

Jen sits up and smiles, "Scrambled?" 

"Of course, you know that's the only way Kylie will eat them." 

"True." Jen makes her way over to the kitchen and collects her coffee. "How'd you sleep?" 

"Honestly, not very well. My arm is still a bit sore and sensitive where the stitches are. The doctor said to expect it to be for a day or two afterward. It sucks because it's going to screw with my training schedule."  

Jen shakes her head, "Only you would be concerned about training right now." 

"I promised myself and Kelley that I was going to give 110% towards training and getting ready for the camp. From what Kelley tells me, the Courage have extremely high expectations regarding their player's conditioning levels. It doesn't matter that I'm going in as a keeper; I want to be able to keep up with the best of them and make an impression." 

Jen drinks her coffee and watches Kasey move around the area and pack up Kylie's lunch and then begin to make them all breakfast. 

"Jen, can you do me a favour and get Kylie up and moving? I don't want to leave the eggs, and I know if I leave you in charge of them, they'll probably burn." 

Jen laughs and shrugs, "That only happened once." 

"Yes, but the apartment smelled like something burnt for days afterwards." 

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