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Kasey watches the play unfold in front of her and preps for Christen to turn and take the shot, when the speedy player releases the ball, it deflects off of Kelley's leg and heads in the opposite direction; Kasey realizing she's not going to be able to get back, lunges across and manages to knock the shot off the post, where it's cleared away by her side. 

"Nice, Kase." 

The whistle sounds out and the players are called in to end the session. Kelley reaches down and helps her up, smiling the entire time. 

"You good?" 

Kasey smiles and nods as she gets up, "Yep."

They jog over to the touchline where the group is hydrating, chatting and waiting on the next instructions from the staff. 

"Good session, everyone. Get cooled down and cleaned up and we'll have a brief meeting back at the hotel followed by free time. Wild and O'Hara, stay back a minute, please." 

Kelley leans into Kasey, "How much you wanna bet that she's about to give me shit for losing my mark on the corner?" 

"I covered your ass on that play my dear; let's not make it a habit." 

Kelley laughs and looks at Kasey, "I want to say something in response to that comment, but, it might see my ass sitting on the bench and sleeping on the couch." 

Kasey looks at her and nods. 

Jill Ellis approaches them as they swap their footwear. 

"What can we do for you, Coach?" 

"I wanted to give you a heads up that you'll be starting the game against Mexico, Kasey. I thought that you'd appreciate the extra time in order to coordinate with your friends and family." 

Kasey's face lights up, "I'm starting?" 

Jill laughs, "Pretty sure, that's what I just said. We've all been impressed by your attitude and work ethic this week and feel that the best thing would be to allow you to make your debut in front of the Courage faithful, who've supported you all season long. The rest of the girls will find out during our meeting what the projected starting lineup, formation and subs for the game will look like." 

"Thank you, Jill; I won't let you, down." 

Jill nods, "Oh and O'Hara, you'll also be starting and I expect that you'll do a better job on corners." 

Kasey laughs, "She will or else, it's me that she'll have me to deal with." 

"I'll leave the two of you to hash it out; see you both at the meeting."

Kasey and Kelley share a hug and quick kiss. 

"I'm so proud of you, Kase."

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Kel. I love you so much." 

Kelley smiles, "I love you, beautiful; now, who's the first call?" 

"Umm, tough call, except for the fact that Kylie made me pinkie swear that I'd either call or message her as soon as I found out anything." 

"Well farbeit for me to disagree or go against a pinkie swear." 

Kasey laughs as she and her wife make the walk back towards the benches to collect their stuff. 

Returning to the hotel with their teammates, Kasey and Kelley hang out for a bit before they all make their way to the meeting room. A very long hour and a half later and they are allowed to have the remainder of the day and evening to themselves before the tournament opens the following day. 

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