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Knock ... knock ... knock

"Go away!" 

Kasey lets out a chuckle, "What's up?" 

"Are you guys decent?" 


Kasey smacks Kelley, "We're dressed, Ash, come on in." 

"I'm sorry, I really hope that I didn't wake you guys, but I saw the drawings and couldn't wait to talk to you about them, Wild. I made coffee if you want to meet me downstairs in a few. I need to take Logan out, and I'm sure KO could use a bit more beauty sleep." 

Kelley yawns, "I'm awake now. I heard coffee." 

"Give me a few minutes, Ash, and I'll meet you down there." 

Ashlyn nods, "Oh, and if Ali asks, you woke up on your own." 

Ashlyn leaves the room, and Kelley turns over to face Kasey, "Morning, beautiful."

Kasey smiles, "Morning." 

 "What time did you finally come to bed last night? I tried to stay up and wait for you but finally gave up." 

"It was around 3, I think." Kasey yawns, "I was in the zone and started drawing and lost track of time. I finished three different drawings for Ash. I'm going to assume that she likes them if she already wants to talk about them. I should get up now." 

Kelley leans forward and kisses her, "Not just yet." 

"Kel, if I don't get up, then Ash is just going to come back." 

"Fine, but you're making it up to me tonight." 

Kasey sits up in the bed, "I'm nervous about meeting your family, Kel." 

Kelley sits up and wraps her arms around Kasey, "You don't need to be nervous; my family is pretty chill. Just be yourself, and they will love you as I do. I already had a long chat with my Mom and Dad about how much you and Kylie both mean to me. Umm, Kase, just a heads up, the topic of marriage and or future plans is bound to come up. My parents are itching to become Grandparents, but don't worry; Jerry is already on that one. Erin told me that there is a mountain of presents under the tree for Kylie." 

"Presents aren't really necessary, Kel. I hope you told them that." 

"I did, but my Mom absolutely loves Christmas shopping and quickly vetoed me." 

"Sounds like a Mom thing to do. Kel, what are your feeling about marriage? I mean, like if your parents ask what am I supposed to say? I want us both to be on the same page." 

"Do you want to get married, Kase?" 

"Yes, eventually I do. I love you, Kel, and I see my future with you. What about you, Kel?" 

Kelley smiles and moves off the bed, making her way over to her suitcase and pulling out a small box from the zippered compartment. She sits back down in front of Kasey on the bed with the box in her hand. "Kase, I was planning on giving you this on New Year's Eve, but I don't want to wait any longer. Hopefully, it will answer your question." 


"Just relax and listen." 

Kelley opens the box and reveals the elephant ring to Kasey. "Kase, I love you, and I can't imagine a future without you and Kylie in it. With this ring, I'm making a promise to you that I will be asking you to be my wife soon. Will you wear this ring as a symbol of the love between us and the promise of a future together?" 

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