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Kasey lets out a groan as the alarm continues to beep beside her, before turning over and shutting it off. She notices that she's alone in bed and slowly makes her way out from under the covers before heading towards the bathroom to complete her morning routine. Feeling a bit more human, she heads out towards the kitchen to join her Mother and daughter in the small eating area. 

"Morning, Kase; how are you feeling?" 

"So far, so good."

"There's a fresh pot, scrambled eggs, toast and some cut up fruit; get yourself a plate." 

 "Full service, eh, Mom?" 

Pat Wild laughs, "It isn't everyday that a rising star is in our midst, now, get your breakfast before it's cold." 

Kasey grabs a cup and then dishes out some breakfast before sitting down with Kylie and chatting for a few minutes before it's time for the younger Wild to get ready for school. 

"Kase, your car keys are on the table. Pauline is picking me up soon and we're heading to get our nails done." Kasey laughs at her Mom's facial reaction when she mentions getting her nails done. "I know, she got some kinda deal on Groupon and I'm the lucky recipient of said deal. We'll most likely grab lunch out and I'll be home later. Call me if you need anything or if your schedule changes for today, okay?" 

"I will, Mom; enjoy getting your nails done." Kasey laughs, knowing that much like herself her Mom isn't a fan of  getting her nails done. 

Kasey finishes eating by herself and places her dishes in the sink before heading back to the bedroom to make herself presentable to be seen in public. Tucking her study notes into her bag, she pulls on her jacket and collects her phone from it's charger before then heading out the livingroom to Kylie away from the show she's currently watching. 

"Time to head out, kiddo." 

"But, Mom, there's only like 5 minutes left in the show!" 

"And knowing you as I do, you've probably already seen this episode atleast five times and already know how it ends. Now, get your butt up and let's go!" 

Kylie lets out a groan before turning the set off and making her way towards the door to put her jacket on and grab her backpack already sitting and waiting for her there. 

"Do you have everything?" 

Kylie nods, "You?" Kasey chuckles, "I hope so." They share a quick hug before heading out to Kasey's car. 

As the car comes to life, Kasey can only laugh as she hears her voice fill the speakers of it. 

Kylie shrugs, "Sorry! I've kinda been using your car as a bit of a chill space and I guess I forgot to turn the radio down."

"It's okay. I've missed you so much, Ky." 

"Love you, Mom." 

Kasey wipes at her eye as a tear threatens to fall. 

The drive to Kylie's school ends way to quickly for Kasey's liking and all to soon she is dropping her off at the curb out front and waving as she pulls away. 

As she stops at a light, she hears her phone let out a beep and glances at the screen

New Message

Jen: You're up for Save of the Week - you've got my vote! Good luck on your exams, Wild Thing. So glad that I was allowed to do mine online instead of having to fly back and do it inperson like you.  

Checking the time, Kasey makes her way across town towards her old placement for a suprise visit to see her students which was confirmed yesterday with Michelle.  

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