
777 38 15

The following day at the Ottawa International Airport, it's a whirlwind of activity. All hands are on deck to meet and greet players and guests coming in from all parts of North America. 

Kasey squeezes Kelley's hand tightly, "Why didn't we just hire someone to do this part? I mean, people are already starting to notice us, Kel." 

Kelley leans over and kisses her cheek, "Because Kylie wanted to be here, and we didn't trust Jen and Erin to handle everyone." 

"I definitely have a new appreciation for the people whose jobs it is to coordinate schedules and travel for teams; this is insane!" 

Kelley laughs, "We'll get through it. Just think tomorrow at this time, we're going to be getting ready for our wedding." 

Kasey smiles as she looks down at her list. "Okay, so the first flight should be landing soon. How about you and Kylie head towards the International arrivals, and I'll take care of the Canadian ones along with Jen. We just need to message the bus driver when we are ready to load; he's in the cell phone lot waiting."

Kelley nods, "Ready to see Tobin, Little Wild?" 

Kylie smiles and nods, "And Sinc?"

"I'm not sure; she didn't confirm her flight details." 

Kelley and Kylie make their way over to the wall by the International arrivals door and watch many people being greeted and leaving before finally seeing a familiar figure with her hoodie pulled up. 

"Tobin!" Kelley can only smile and laugh as the younger Wild takes off running towards one of her favourite Americans. Tobin picks her up and hugs her, "Where's your Mom?" 

"She and Jen are at the other end waiting." Kelley and Tobin hug, "Thanks for coming, Tobs." 

"Wouldn't have missed it." 

"Yours was the first flight to arrive, and there's a bit of a wait before the others. Are you hungry? There's a decent restaurant on the 2nd level, and we could get something to eat and watch the planes while we wait, or one of us can drive you back to the hotel. Ash, Ali and Lex are all there chilling." 

"It's cool. I'm always hungry after flights; let's get something to eat." 

"Alright. Lead the way, Kylie." 


Kelley messages Kasey to let her know where they are and ask if she needs any help. Once Kasey responds with a thumbs up, they take a seat, and the Thorns player orders food.     

"Got room for another?" 


The Canadian and Portland Captain hugs Kylie. "Your Mom told me that you guys were up here, so I figured to join you while we wait for the others." 

"I thought that you were flying in with Tobin? Did we miss you?" 

Christine smiles and shakes her head, "I was home with family, so I came in from BC rather than Portland. Diana mentioned that most of the girls are on the same flight out of Toronto, except for Kailen; she and her girlfriend are driving in so that they can be free to check out some sights."  

"Makes sense. You haven't talked to Labbe by any chance, have you? Kase was trying to confirm details with her but hasn't gotten a response."  

"Steph is usually pretty good about that stuff; I'll send her a message and see if I can get an update." 

Kelley looks at her phone and stands up, "I need to head back and meet a couple more girls; is it okay if Kylie stays with you guys?" 

Both of the player's nod, and Kelley makes her way back to the gate to await more arrivals. 

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