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Between school, placement, work and soccer Kasey found that she was spending more and more time away from Kylie. She did her best to work around Kylie's game schedule so that she could be there to cheer her daughter on. Still, it was becoming increasingly difficult the further into her term and season she got. 

Grandma Pat had done her very best to film or attempt to film Kylie's games and plays for her and Kylie made sure to give her a full report afterward, but it just wasn't the same. Kylie repeatedly told that she understood why she couldn't be there, but in Kasey's eyes, she was failing her daughter. 

Having a rare night free when her training session was cancelled and knowing that Kylie's team was taking on one of the top teams, made the decision for her to skip out on some weight work all that easier. 

New Message

Wild Thing: You up for coming to watch Kylie play? 

Jen: For sure. Always up for seeing my fav niece kick butt.

Wild Thing: Lol! I'm leaving school soon. I'll pick you up on my way. See you in about 15 - 20. 

Jen: Can I wear PJs? 

Wild Thing: How old are u? Put some clothes on and meet me out front. Leaving now. 

Jen: Yes, Mom.

Kasey couldn't help but smile and laugh at Jen's last message. It was really apparent between the two who the more mature one was at times. 

She drove her car in the direction of Jen's apartment and then sat and waited out front until her friend walked out of the front door and climbed in the car. 

"You could have at least ran a brush through your hair."

"I did, well, kinda, but then I laid back down."

"Sorry to interrupt your napping schedule." 

Jen laughed out loud, "No, you're not! And besides that, I'm glad you did, because I enjoy watching Ky play." 

Pulling up to the school, they found out the game was already underway and made their way over to the stands, finding and then sitting down beside Grandma Pat, who was happy to see both of them. She smiled at them, Jen having spent so much time with them now was considered part of the family. 

"How's she doing, Mom?" 

"The game just started, Kase; you only missed about five minutes and it's still scoreless." 

Kasey scanned the pitch looking for her daughter and located her running downfield with her ponytail swaying behind her. As she turned to make the run back, Kasey couldn't help but notice that Kylie was now wearing the #5 on her back and not the #12 she had started out with in honour of her idol, Canadian forward, and Captain Christine Sinclair. 

"I thought that Kylie was wearing #12?"

"She asked to switch so that you and she were both wearing the same number." 

"She's really proud of you, Kasey and so am I. I know things haven't been the easiest for you, but you've always done  everything that you could to ensure that Kylie is happy and has what she needs and in case you didn't know it, you're her hero." 

Kasey wiped the tear that threatened to fall from the corner of her eye away as she switched her focus back to the action on the field. 

During a break in play, Kylie happened to look towards the stands and saw her three favourite people. She was excited to see that her Mom and Jen were there and was determined that she was going to score in front of them.  

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