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"I thought you said that Erin was supposed to meet us here, Kel." 

Kelley nods, "You stay here, I'm just going to take a walk around the terminal and see if I can find her." 

Kasey nods and then lets out a yawn. 

Kelley smiles at her girlfriend as she takes a lap looking for her sister. 

"Looks like Florida agreed with you, Squirrel," Erin says giving her sister a hug.

"It definitely did," Kelley says smiling, "How come you're late?" 

"I had to stop and pick something up for Mom on the way. So, judging by the fact that you can't take your eyes off of them; I'm  willing to bet that's Kasey and Kylie over there with your suitcases." 

Kelley smiles and nods, "Be nice, okay?" 

"I'm always nice. Now let's go it's time for me to officially meet my future sister-in-law and niece." Erin says as she nudges Kelley in the direction of the two of them. 

Kasey smiles at Kelley and her sister as they approach. 

"Kase, Kylie this is my sister, Erin." 

"It's nice to finally be able to meet you in person, Erin." Kasey starts to extend her hand and Erin shakes her head before hugging her. 

"We don't shake in the O'Hara family, we hug; except for complete strangers, which you and Kylie are not." 

Erin looks at Kylie and smiles, "So, you're the famous, Kylie, huh?" 

Kylie smiles and nods before they share a hug. 

"I'm assuming you guys can't wait to get out of here, so let's go; my cars this way." 

They all follow Erin out of the airport. 

"Shotgun!" Kelley yells out as they approach the car. 

"Not a chance. You're in the back, Maureen." 

"You know I don't like it when you call me that!" 

"Hence, why I do it! I know it gets under your skin." 

They place their luggage in the trunk and Erin refuses to unlock the front door of the car for Kelley. 

Kasey wraps her arms around her waist and kisses her cheek, "Just get in the back already." 

"Okay, beautiful." 


"Shut up, Erin!" 

As they make the drive towards the O'Hara household, Kelley tries her best to eavesdrop on the conversation taking place in the front seats between her sister and girlfriend but is only able to make out bits and pieces of it. 

Upon arrival, Erin pops the trunk and Kasey gets out to lift their stuff out of the trunk. She feels familiar arms wrap around her waist and allows herself to be drawn into them. "I missed you." 

Kasey lets out a laugh, "I'm not telling you what Erin and I talked about if that's what you are hoping to get from me." 

"Umm... nope, never, I just missed your smell and touch." 

"Sure, keep telling yourself that. I'm wise to your ways, O'Hara." 

Kelley kisses her cheek, "Not all of them, you aren't." 

Erin yells out, "C'mon lovebirds, you can finish that later; right now, it's time to throw Kasey in front of the firing squad!" 

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