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While Kelley, Erin and Kylie start their adventure, Kasey sits alone in her apartment, scanning her emails. 

One, in particular, catches her eye, and she can't help but wonder how James was able to obtain her email address. Then again, they do still share a few acquaintances, so perhaps one of them passed it on to him. 

She reads the message's contents, making a note that he mentions he is currently in Ottawa and will be until New Years' and that he'd really like to meet up and discuss a few things, mainly Kylie with her. 

After considering her options, Kasey decides that it may be in everyone's best interest to meet up and send him a message that includes her cell #.  

Kasey goes about making herself something to eat, thank full that her Mom restocked her fridge and cupboards with necessities for her return and then sits down to eat, all the while debating if she made a mistake in giving James her number. 

She finishes eating and then washes the handful of dishes in the sink when she hears her phone buzzing. Thinking it may be Kelley or Jen, she picks it up and looks at the screen, where instead, she finds a message from an unknown number. 

New Message

Unknown Number: Kasey, it's James. Are you able to meet up today for coffee?

Kasey: I have plans at 4, but I can meet anytime prior to that. 

James: 1:00, Tim's at Bank and Hunt Club? 

Kasey: Sounds good. I'll see you there. 

James: Thank you. See you then. 

As Kasey fights back her nerves and feelings that the contents of her stomach are about to revisit her, she quickly sends out a message to Jen before then heading to the bathroom and vomiting. 

New Message

Wild Thing: I need you to come to my place ASAP; it's important.

Jen: Are you okay? Is Kylie Okay? Never mind, I'll be there in about 20.  

Wild Thing: Thanks, let yourself in. 

Kasey sits down on the floor against her bed and tries to calm herself down while she awaits Jen's arrival. 


"In here, Jen." 

Jen makes her way down the hallway to Kasey's bedroom and finds her friend breathing hard. She takes a seat beside her and rubs her arm, "What's going on? Talk to me, Kase." 


"James? As is Kylie's no good for nothing, father? The same guy who's had nothing to do with her for the past 9 years? What did he do or say to upset you? I'll kick his ass! And I'm fairly certain that Kelley will join me, as will the other girls on our team." 

"I'm meeting him in a couple of hours to talk about Kylie." 

"What do you think he wants?" 

"I'm not sure. He mentioned to me in Toronto that he was married with a son now; perhaps he just wants a chance to get to know her." 

"I guess that's possible. How do you feel about that?" 

"He's her father, Jen, and regardless of how I feel about the entire situation and him, I can't deny Kylie the chance to get to know him." 

Jen nods, "Do you want me to come along with you for moral support?" 

Kasey looks at her and nods, "Please?" 

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