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Kasey and Kelley stand Times Square adjacent, surrounded by thousands of others and watch as the clock on the screen edges ever so close starting the new year. Holding each other, it's like no one exists as the numbers show on the screen starting from 10 and count down ...

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... Happy New Year!"

Kasey and Kelley smile at each other before leaning in to start the new year with a kiss and hug. 

"Happy New Year, Beautiful."

Kasey smiles, "Happy New Year, Kel."

They hold each other as fireworks fill the night sky, cheers surround them and the champagne flows freely.

Kelley kisses Kasey's cheek, "Remind me to thank whoever at your label was responsible for getting you a spot on the New Year's Eve show."

Kasey chuckles, "I simply mentioned that I thought it would be cool to see the ball drop in Time's Square and things worked themselves out." Turning to look at Kelley, Kasey reaches for her wife's jaw  and cups it while fighting back tears, "Do you have any idea how much I love you?"

Kelley smiles, "I love you, too. How about we head back to our room now? I think you've had way too much champagne and not nearly, enough food to eat. You're exhausted and getting emotional, so, how about we order some room service and try out the hot tub?" 

"That actually sounds perfect." They share a long kiss and hug, before Kasey messages for her driver and along with Kasey's shadow, they make the trip back to the hotel and up to their room.

"What can I get you to eat, Mrs Wild O'Hara?"

Kasey smiles, "I know what I'd like to eat or should I say who, but, right now I'd kill for a big ole greasy bacon cheeseburger with a side of sweet potato fries and oh, ice cream, we need, ice cream! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!"

Kelley bursts out laughing, "You're adorable when you're drunk."

"I thought I was adorable all the time and I'm not drunk; just a little buzzed."

Kelley shakes her head and bursts out laughing as Kasey bumps into a chair in the room, "Sure you are; and you definitely weren't adorable when you had that nasty sinus thingy going on; green snot is definitely not adorable."

Kasey scrunches her nose, "That was no picnic for me either, O'Hara. Those pills were hard to swallow and I hated being put on bed rest."

"Yeah, but, you liked being able to order me around."

"I wasn't that bad was I?" 

"Kase, even Buddy avoided you." 

Kasey shrugs and makes her way over to Kelley, "I need to get out of these clothes, the shiny things are giving me a headache. Can you unzip me and order the food, please?" 

Kelley reaches for the zipper and slowly moves it downward, kisses the skin it reveals as she does. Kasey turns around and they kiss before Kasey heads to the bedroom area and Kelley can't help but wonder if she's even going to be awake when their food arrives. Chuckling to herself, she pleaces their order and then follows Kasey to the bedroom to help her wife get out of the rest of her clothes. 

"You need to stay awake, our food should be here anytime." Kelley nudges Kasey as she closes her eyes. "Just a few minutes."

"Nope, don't make me dump that water bottle on you, Wild."

"You wouldn't!"

Kelley gives her megawatt grin, "Do you really want to test me?"

Kasey licks her lips and smiles, "Maybe, but, I can think of a much funner way to get wet."

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