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With her classes already completed for the day, Kasey sits in a common area on campus waiting for Jen to finish up her last class of the day. They had earlier made plans to meet up and grab something to eat before making their way to practice.

Not having anything pressing and needing to zone out for a bit, Kasey decided it was a good time to put on some Netflix and cued up an episode of Orange Is the New Black to watch while she waited. It wasn't exactly an appropriate show for her to watch with Kylie, so she was behind on the episodes as she usually only watched them after her daughter was in bed or, in this case, when she needed a break from school stuff. 

Jen, now finished with her class, made her way through the hallways to the large common area and searched her friend's location. One of the benefits of Kasey having purple-tinted hair was the ability to be able to pick her out of a crowd and or large area easily. She made her way over to where Kasey was sitting and looked over her shoulder, noticing what she was watching before making a point of dropping her books and bag rather loudly to gain her attention.  

"What the hell Jen? I could have dropped my laptop!" Kasey responded.

Jen fighting back the urge to laugh, couldn't prevent herself from responding, "I can't take you seriously when you have drool on the side of your mouth." 

Instinctively Kasey reached up to check, causing Jen to burst out laughing at her. 

"So Alex or Piper? Personally, I prefer Piper, even though she can be kinda annoying at times."  

"Alex," Kasey admitted without making eye contact with her friend. 

"Alex, huh? Can I ask why?" 

Kasey finally raised her eyes to look at Jen, "I guess, I just like, that she's a bit of a badass."

Jen noting the hesitation in her voice, moved to change the topic, "You ready to grab some grub? I'm starving!" 

Kasey nods as she packs up her stuff and stands up to join Jen in walking back to the cafeteria. 

"Don't think that conversation is over; I retain the right to revisit it later." 

"What conversation?" Kasey tried her best to play, oblivious to the nature of Jen's comment as she walked ahead of her.

Jen shook her head as she followed along to get food. 

3 hours later and having just completed their session, the members of Capital City's soccer team were in the changeroom, stripping off their sweat saturated clothing.

As Jen pulled off her shirt and threw it down, frustrated, she yelled out, "What the heck is Coaches' problem? She was on us non-stop about anything and everything, yelling at us for being out of position and screwing up our passes and even our few set plays."

Christina, one of the keepers, spoke up, "Our first game is against Limestone College, her older sister is their team's coach, and she hates losing to them. Last year we lost every game against them we played, and they ending up winning the Championship." 

Having a sister and understanding the rivalry between siblings, Jen nodded in understanding as to why their coach was harsher on them this time rather than being her normal self. "That makes sense; I hate losing to my sister at even a game of cards, and this is so much bigger than that." 

The players around them nodded in agreement before continuing to undress and get ready to head back out into the cold evening air.   

Walking out to the parking lot together, Kasey knowing that Jen didn't have class until 1:00 the following day, asked if she wanted to come over and hang with her and Kylie until the younger Wild had to go to bed. 

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