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Kasey sits on the team bus, her head back and eyes closed as she does her best to get into game mode for the morning matchup against the Mountaineers.

As they climb up a large hill and are able to look over parts of the city to the left of them, she understands better the origin of the team name. Her phone buzzes and interrupts the playlist sounding out in her ears. Having already spoken to Kylie and her Mom earlier, she can only assume the message to be from her girlfriend. Even thinking of the word makes her smile as she looks down at her screen.

New Message

Kelley: Morning. Just finished recovery, and waiting to use the shower. How is your hand?

Wild Thing: Morning. I'm already on the bus and headed to our game. My hand is still sore and swollen, but the trainers are going to tape me up so I can play. I've already been informed that depending on the score and how I'm doing that I may be subbed out in the second half. I'm not sure what time we'll arrive back in Ottawa tonight, but, I'll message you and maybe we can Facetime.

Kelley: Look after yourself out there today. I'll message you when we land and or I get home. Good luck, beautiful.

Wild Thing: Thank you. Safe flight.

The bus pulls to a stop in front of the stadium and the players collect their stuff before following their staff inside.

Kasey collects her clean player kit from the trainer and gets herself changed before watching as he applies the splint and tape to her fingers.

She takes a seat and listens to the final instructions before then leading her team out for warm-ups.

"How are you doing, Kase?"

Kasey looks at Jen, "I've been better. Never realized how much I actually need to be able to use my hands for."

"I guess that it's a good thing your girlfriend isn't around right now, then."

Kasey smiles and shakes her head at the comment, "Really, that's all you got for me, Sheridan? Also, remember that Kel and I are on the down-low, so don't be throwing the G-word around."

"My bad."

With the warmups and coin flip complete, Kasey takes her spot on the frontline for her team.

The quick turnaround between games is showing as the Crusaders start off slowly in comparison to the high flying home team. Hayley finds herself tested almost immediately as they send three solid shots on target in the first 10 minutes of gameplay.

Kasey starts to pick up her vocal presence with the team around her playing flat and in hopes of waking them up.

In the 25th minute, she can only watch as the team in Maroon is able to find the mark and take the lead.

Capital City begins to show some signs of life just before the end of the half only to see the finishing effort called back for being offside.

"It's okay, we're only down by one. Everyone in ... Crusaders on 3, 1...2...3 CRUSADERS!! Let's go!"

In the 60th minute of the game, Kasey collides with a member of the opposition and grits her teeth with the resulting blow to her hand.

As the team makes a sub, one of her teammates runs over to her and lets her know that she's going to be subbed out very soon. Kasey looks over to the sideline and Coach Smith shakes her head as if to tell her the decision isn't up for debate.

Kasey wanting to make the most of her remaining time on the pitch and lets her team know to watch for an opening as she's going to release their forwards. The Crusaders gain possession of the ball and drive forward with Jen taking the lead, before sending a diagonal to Emily. Emily knocks it down and seeing Kasey making the far post-run, sends it in her direction. Kasey out jumps the defender and directs the ball past the keeper's outstretched arm and hand into the netting behind her. As the keeper tries to figure out how it happened, Kasey celebrates her 19th goal of the season with her teammates. They jog back to the centre marking, tied at 1 goal apiece.

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