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One week later and Kasey and Kelley are back in Ottawa and edging closer to their wedding day.

After having dropped Kylie off at school and gotten in a workout, the two women take a breather and sit in each other's arms on the couch.

Kelley kisses Kasey's head, "This is nice."

Kasey turns towards her; they share a kiss and smile at each other.

"What time does your Mom and Erin's flight land again?" Kasey smiles at her soon-to-be wife.

"4:00, which you already know. What's on your mind, beautiful?"

"Honestly, I'm feeling overwhelmed and could use a nap. Interested in joining me?"

Kelley stands up and offers Kasey her hand, "Come on, then."

Kasey sets the alarm, and they lay down together.

"I was thinking that all of us should go out to dinner tonight."

"That sounds like a plan. Tell me again why your Dad isn't flying in at the same time as everyone else?"

"He figured to be in the way if he arrived early, and also, Mom said he had some appointment that he wasn't able to reschedule."

"That's too bad; I'm sure that Kylie would've loved to spend some time with your Dad and showing him some of the tourist spots."

Kelley chuckles, "I'm sure he would like that. Maybe, once he arrives, they can head out together."

Kasey nods, "I still can't believe that in only a matter of days, I'm finally going to be able to call you my wife."

Kelley smiles, "Wife. Never have I liked the way a word sounded more than I do right now. I'm so excited to start our life together, Kase."

"Yeah, well, you're the one who'll be leaving for US camp next week."

"I could still opt-out if you want me to."

"Not a chance. I know how important it is to you, and I would never take it away from you, not to mention, it's already penned in on the calendar, and I don't have any Liquid Paper to make it go away."

"The next few months are going to test us both, Kase. I have no doubt that we will get through them and the many more ahead and come out the other side stronger for it."

"I love you, Kel."

"Love you, Wild Thing."

Kasey chuckles at the use of her nickname before closing her eyes and drifting off for a short time. When she awakens, she finds herself alone in bed and sits up, "Kel? Kelley, are you here?"

Kelley walks into the room with a smile on her face and two plates of food, passing one over to Kasey and kissing her. "I could hear your tummy grumbling out in the kitchen."

Kasey laughs, "You sure it was mine and not yours? Yours tends to be quite loud."

"True. Figured we could both use something to get us through."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, beautiful."

The two sit on the bed and eat their lunch while chatting and laughing.

"Okay, so your Mom and sister will be here in a couple of hours, then Alex, Ash and Ali on Wednesday morning, followed by HAO and Dave in the afternoon and then everyone else will be trickling in on Thursday and Friday; before the ceremony, right?"

"Exactly. This means that tomorrow, you are all mine."

"Should I be concerned?"

Kelley laughs and shakes her head, "I wouldn't be concerned about my plans for us; I'd be concerned about what the girls have in store once they arrive. Alex mentioned a bachelorette party of some sort."

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