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Upon arriving back at the hotel, Kasey finds a group of familiar faces standing and waiting in the lobby area. 

Scanning the area, she locates Kelley speaking with Mal and Emily and makes her way over towards them.

Apparently, word has spread amongst the players that she is not only accompanying them on the outing today but that it is also her birthday. She is stopped several times and congratulated on her performance during the game and wished a happy birthday.  

Kelley finally noticing Kasey's arrival and her current predicament makes her way over towards Kasey to help her out. Kasey smiles as she sees Kelley maneuvering her way through her teammates to reach her, "Hey." 

"Hey there; I was just starting to wonder if I was being stood up by you." 

Kasey looks at her and shakes her head, "Not a chance."

They share an embrace but refrain from exchanging a kiss or any other form of contact, fully aware that their every move is currently being watched by Kelley's USWNT teammates. 

Alex moves away from her group and over to them, pulling Kasey into a hug, "Happy Birthday, again." She winks at Kasey, "I really just came over to attempt to draw some attention away from the two of you." 

"Thanks, Janice." 

Alex smiles and nods. "That's a pretty big camera case you got there, Wild, you sure you know how to use it?" 

Kasey looks at Alex straight-faced and responds back, "Bigger is better when it comes to a camera or lens and Alex, I know how to use my equipment."

They all burst out laughing at Kasey's response. 

"Worms, you may have finally met your match." 

Kelley looks at Kasey and smiles and nods in response to Alex's comment.  

"Okay, ladies, bring it in. Just a few things before we get on the bus. It goes without saying, even though I am saying it; stay together and act professionally at all times. Dawn has prepared suitable snacks and water for each of you, so please make sure that you see her once we get to the park, understood?" 


"Good. Heath, I understand that you speak some French, which may come in handy while we're in Quebec." 

"Oui, oui, Coach!" Tobin replies, causing the group to all laugh at the player. 

"One last thing before we board, O'Hara and Wild, I would like to speak with you for a few moments on the bus." 

"Yes, Coach." Kelley and Kasey respond in unison as the comments begin to fly around the room that the two are already in trouble.

"Alright, everyone the bus is open, let's get on board and have an enjoyable afternoon." 

 The players and staff members make their way outside and find their places on the bus. 

Kelley and Kasey take their seats at the front of the bus across the aisle from the Coach of the United States Women's National Team, Jill Ellis.  

As the bus begins the drive towards Quebec and Gatineau Park, they wait and ponder what the conversation will be regarding. 

"So, Kasey, that was quite the game you and your team played yesterday. I just wanted to tell you that I have in fact watched some of your game highlights and clearly, you have some skill with the ball at your feet. I was very impressed by how you took command of the goal and also the leadership you displayed while on the pitch. It was very apparent that your teammates respect you and your authority as their Captain. You made quite the impression on our team and staff members and they haven't stopped talking about you. Ashlyn even expressed concern for her job until she was reminded that you were Canadian."

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