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On the flight back to New Jersey, Kailen and Kelley are once again sitting side by side. Unlike the flight to Ottawa, Kailen can't help but notice that her Sky Blue teammate is a lot more subdued and quiet. 

Looking over, she smiles as she notices that Kelley has her phone out and is looking at a picture of her and Kasey together. She puts her head back in hopes of enjoying a quick nap before they land. 

Kasey tidies up around the apartment as Kylie watches a show before bed. 

"Need some help with the dishes?" 

Kasey laughs, "You hate doing dishes, Jen." 

"I really do." Kasey laughs, "Then why did you even offer?" 

"Because I figured that you would say that you got it and send me back to the couch to chill with Ky." 



"Thanks for bringing pizza. Now, get out of my kitchen and let me wash my dishes in peace." 

Jen laughs, "Alright, I got it. We'll talk after Kylie goes to bed." 

Kasey nods and turns her attention back to the sink full of dishes in front of her.  

Jen makes her way over to the couch, "Move over, kid; I wanna see what happens with Clarke and Lexa. I mean, Clarke and umm Bellamy, that's the guy's name, right?"

Kylie nods, "Yeah, but I don't really think he and Clarke will end up together." 

"Why's that?" 

"Because Lexa and Clarke are badasses, and Bellamy is just a guy." 

"Ky, language!"

"Sorry, Mom, but it's true."  

"How about you finish the episode and then call it a night, okay?" 

"Two episodes?" 

"Kylie, one and then bed. You have school in the morning, and I don't want to have to deal with any growling or complaining in the morning." 


With the episode now complete, Kylie stands up and hugs Jen and her Kasey before heading into her room to get changed and ready for bed. 

"I'll be in shortly to turn off your light, Ky. Love you." 

"Love you, too. Night, Mom. Night, Jen." 

 Jen smiles, "You got a good kid there, Kase." 

Kasey smiles and nods, "Don't I know it. Let me just finish up with her, and then we can talk." 

"Sounds good." 

While Kasey tucks Kylie in, Jen hears her phone buzz and picks it up off the table to look at who is messaging her. 

New Message

Kai: KO spent the majority of the flight looking at pictures of Kasey and her. 

Jen: I'm at Kasey's right now. She's been really quiet since we got back from the airport. 

Kai: Make sure you get her to talk; don't let her go to sleep with a heavy heart. Take it from me; it only leads to a sleepless night.

Jen: Anything you want to tell me?

Kai: It happened before I met Dom. Anyway, I'm back at my place now and heading to bed. Talk soon. 

Jen: Have a good night, Kai. 

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