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It's finally New Year's Eve, and Kasey and Kelley are busy putting the finishing touches on their ensembles for the evening out. 

With Kylie already having been picked up and headed to Brianna's for a sleepover, Kasey is feeling relaxed, excited and also a bit nervous about how the evening will unfold. 

The door to the apartment opens, and Jen and Erin make their entrance. 

"You guys ready? The Uber will be here anytime."

"We need another 5 or 10." 

"Get your ass moving Wild, some of us are ready to get our drink and dance on." 

Kasey laughs, "It's not me. I'm just touching up my face, and I'll be good to go; your sister, however, is the one moving like molasses."  

"Squirrel, let's go!" 

"I'm coming; hold on to your eyelashes!" 

Kasey finishes packing up her essentials in a small purse and makes her way out of the bathroom and into the living room. 

Jen whistles her approval as she makes her entrance, "Nice look, Wild Thing." 

"Glad you approve. I wish I could say the same about Kel's choice of outfit for the evening." 

Kelley makes her entrance into the living room, "I already told you, Kase, you've got nothing to worry about; I've only got eyes for you."  

"It's not your eyes are concerned about. It's those of the woman who will be swarming you in that dress."

Kelley shakes her head, "Can you guys please tell Kase she needs to chill? She's not listening to me."   

Erin shakes her head, "Nope, I happen to agree with her on this one. I hope you only paid half price because you only got half a dress." 

Kasey smiles and nods at Erin. 

Jen's phone beeps, letting them know their ride is waiting for them downstairs, so they get their jackets on and head out for the evening.  

Arriving outside the club, they find a line down the block and then some to get in. Walking up to the doorman, Jen gives her name, and they are let inside. After checking their jackets, Jen suggests that perhaps they take a group picture before things get out of hand, stopping an attractive-looking woman with her smile and asking her if she would mind taking a quick picture for them. Once it's done and the woman hands Jen back her phone, Jen leans into her ear, "Find me later, and I'll buy you a drink." The woman smiles and nods before walking away. 

"Not even here 5 minutes, and someone's already getting action." Jen laughs, "You have to admit she was fine, and it's not as if you aren't going to get plenty of offers coming your way this evening, KO. I mean, if you weren't already with my bestie, I'd make a play for that." 

 Erin grabs her arm, "Jen, how about we get the first round before you embarrass yourself even more than you already have." 

Erin leads her away to the bar while Kasey and Kelley search for a table. 

"Have I told you how gorgeous you look this evening, Kase?" Kelley asks as she kisses Kasey's neck. 

Kasey turns around and looks at her, "No, you haven't; but, you're more than welcome to show me." 

Kelley wastes no time in pulling Kasey into her, and they begin making out, not caring for their surroundings. 

"AHEM! Plenty of time for that later. Right now, we drink!" 

The two rather reluctantly separate and turn around to face Erin and Jen. As they drink their drinks and subsequent shots, Kasey is beginning to feel the music. Standing up, she reaches for Kelley's hand, "Care to dance?" 

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