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Now back at the hotel, Ali and Kasey are chilling until the players return. 

"So, what exactly is the plan for this evening, Ali?" 

"I went ahead and made a reservation for the four of us to grab supper together before then heading to the club. I would expect an evening of drinking, dancing, lots of laughs and even karaoke, which I'm certain you'll be good at. I never thought to ask what you're planning on wearing out." 

Kasey looks at her, "I kinda assumed I wouldn't need dress-up clothes, so all I packed was t-shirts, jeans, ankle boots and my leather jacket."    

Ali smiles, "First off, you don't need dress-up clothes. You need something that Kelley can't wait to take off of you. Don't think we all haven't noticed the amount of tension between the two of you."

Kasey smiles and nods, "I'm honestly at the point that I wouldn't say no if Kelley dragged me into a bathroom stall." 

Ali laughs, "Well then, let's not let that happen this evening. We can do your makeup, and you can look after your hair; I like the messiness of it. It's badass looking. The jacket and books definitely work for you, and you have black skinny jeans on your bag, so all we really need is to find a top that shows off your assets. I have a couple of extra tops in my suitcase. Let's take a look and see if any of them will work on you; if not, then I'll message Alex; that girl always packs way more clothes than she needs." 

After going through Ali's stuff and realizing that nothing will work, Ali sends Alex a message. 

New Message

Kriegs: Dressing Kasey for our outing, need some top options. Come to room 101 ASAP.

Alex: I'll be there shortly. We are just arriving back at the hotel. 

Alex smiles and looks across the aisle of the bus, "Kriegs is playing dress-up with your girl, Worms. She messaged for backup.

Kelley looks at her friend, "Make sure you don't go overboard with her; Kase likes to keep things simple, and she's gorgeous the way she is." 

Alex can't help but smile at the response she gets, "I'll do my best, but no promises; it is Ali after all."

"Yeah, well, Kase isn't a model wannabe like Harris is, even though she totally could be."  

"You are so far gone; it's not even funny anymore, Worms." 

"It's Kasey. She does things to me; I mean, she makes me feel things that I've never felt before, Lex. I can totally picture a future with her and Kylie." 

Alex continues to smile as she sees Kelley's wheels turning, and a grin shows up on her face. She is quite certain she knows exactly what her friend is thinking about and or picturing and isn't going to do anything to interrupt the moment. 

The players climb down from the bus and make their way inside the hotel. Kelley heads up to her room along with Alex, and the two players begin to get ready for their evening outing. As Kelley waits for Alex to finish up in the bathroom, she sends Kasey a message. 

New Message

Kelley: I miss you. I hear that Kriegs and Alex are dressing you. LMK if I need to intervene. Love you, Wild Thing XOXO.

Ali hears Kasey's phone buzz and sees the message pop up on the screen. She smiles and can't help but think that Alex was right when she called the two of them each other's endgame. Having known Kelley as long as she has and having seen her struggle through relationships, she's never seen her fellow defender look at anyone the way she does, Kasey. Not to mention how both of their faces light up when they are in the same room and their need to be in constant contact with each other. She feels like neither of them is going to want to wait very long before putting a ring on it; it's just a matter of which one of them and when. 

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