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As Kasey and Kelley arrive back at the hotel, they struggle to hold back the urge to touch and taste each other. They walk through the lobby and Kasey hears her name being called out, she debates playing deaf to the call but instead responds. 

"Kel, come with me, please; I promised to introduce you to him." 

Kelley looks at her girlfriend and tries to put on a smile as she walks behind her towards the desk. 

Kasey smiles, "Hi Charles, how are you this evening?" 

"I'm good, thank you. Tough loss earlier." 

Kasey smiles and nods, "It was. Charles, this is my friend Kelley O'Hara; I believe I promised you an introduction and an autograph." 

He looks at the two of them somewhat stunned, clearly, he never expected her to follow through on the promise. He steps from behind the desk with his phone ready to take a picture with Kelley. 

"Would it be possible to get a photo with both of you?" 

"Of course." Kasey joins them and laughs as he struggles to be able to take the selfie until Kelley helps him out with it. 

He darts behind the desk and retrieves the sketchbook that Kasey has used to create the drawing of him and flips to the page. "Did you know she could draw like this? I'm going to get it framed and put it on my wall." 

Kasey laughs, "Guess it's a good thing I signed it then." 

Kelley smiles at the drawing, "I don't want to mess it up, how about I sign on the next page?" 

He nods and watches as Kelley signs the book for him. 

Kasey lets out a yawn, "We should get to bed now Charles." 

"Of course. Thank you and have a good evening. If there's anything else you need just call the desk." 

The two women both smile and nod before walking quickly away from the area. 

"Should I even ask what all that was about, Kase?" 

Kasey smiles and takes Kelley's hand as she opens the door to her room, pulling the defender in with her and allowing the door to close behind them. 

"I explain it to you later. Right now, Imma gonna need you to make love to me." 

Kelley lets out a deep laugh and wastes no time removing her clothes as does Kasey. Kelley draws Kasey into a deep kiss, before bringing her to the bed and then spending the next while having her way with the woman she is in love with.  

Kasey returns the favour, making Kelley feel things she's never felt before as she finds her release. 

They continue to enjoy each other and pleasure each other long into the night or in this case morning before finally deciding that she should get some sleep. 

Curled up in each other's arms it takes no time before they are both out for the count. 


"WTF?" Kasey opens her eyes and sees Kelley still soundly sleeping beside her. The banging continues.

"Hold on," Kasey yells as she scrambles to find some clothes to put on and then answers the door.

She opens it to find Alex and Tobin standing there. "What do you want?" Kasey asks them in a less than pleasant tone, the lack of sleep, and alcohol affecting her head."

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