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That night when Kasey got home, she found Grandma Pat already asleep in her bed. Knowing that she wasn't going to get much sleep as her mind was racing; she opted to grab something to sleep in, and a blanket, dropping the blanket on the couch before she headed into the bathroom to change and complete her nighttime routine.  

She was thankful that after dropping Kelley at the hotel, she had sent Jen a message to meet her in the morning because she really needed to speak with someone about it all. 

As she laid on the couch and closed her eyes, a smile lit up her face when the events of the evening played over in her mind. She thought about the way Kelley looked at her, her smile, laugh, hazel eyes and lips. Those lips. She wanted so bad to taste those lips. Her heart began racing and she felt a certain part of her start to throb. She never reacted like this to any of the guys she had been with, not even James. Maybe, it was just her body's way of reminding her that it had been a while since she'd gotten any action or perhaps, it was just Kelley. 

It felt like she had just gotten to sleep when her alarm started beeping in the morning. Gaining her bearings she reached over and turned it off. She stretched herself out before making a quick trip to the bathroom and then into the kitchen to make herself a very much needed cup of coffee and lunches for both her and Kylie. 

She packed up Kylie's bag and then her own before heading into the bathroom and turning on the shower, hoping that the water would clear out some of the cobwebs she was feeling. As she looked at herself in the mirror she could help but notice how exhausted she looked and felt. Damn it, O'Hara, what have you done to me. By the time she finished getting ready, she found that both her Mom and daughter were already up and eating breakfast.  


Grandma Pat smiled at her, "Morning. You got in pretty late." 

"Yeah, sorry about that." 

"Kasey, you're an adult and allowed to enjoy yourself. Kylie and I were fine, we got home watched a bit of television and then turned in for the night."

"Thanks, Mom." 

"Did you have fun?" 

Kasey smiled and nodded, "I really did; I can't believe that Jen was able to get players from both the Canadian and American teams to join us. I totally thought that it was just going to be her, Ky and me." 

"Kylie wouldn't stop talking about her new friends the entire drive home and as you've no doubt already noticed, she slept in the jersey they gave her. She also plans on wearing it to school today." 

"That's fine. I'm supposed to meet Jen before placement this morning, can you drive Kylie to school today?" 

Grandma Pat smiled and nodded. 

"I have training tonight, so I won't be home until late. Love you." 

"Have a good day, Kase." 

Kasey hugged her Mom and then went over to speak with Kylie, before hugging her and heading out in the direction of campus.  

Arriving at the coffee shop at 6:55, she ordered two coffees and two blueberry muffins and then grabbed a table while she waited for Jen to arrive. She had already polished off the muffin and a good portion of her coffee when the blonde finally strolled in 15 minutes later and took a seat. 

"I would say sorry for being late," Jen let out a yawn, "But really I'm not, it's too early." 

Kasey let out a laugh as she watched her friend devour her muffin. 

Kasey watched Jen finish up before deciding to hit her up with the question that had been on her mind since the previous evening. 

"So, you like Jessie, huh?" 

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