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Kasey and Kelley make their way towards the Conference Center, taking in the sights and stopping to snap some pictures along the way. Kasey can't help but smile when she sees the Courage flag outside the building. 

"You ready for this, beautiful?" 

Kasey nods yes while trying to hide her feelings of uneasiness underneath. 

Kelley reaches for her hand and squeezes it, "You've got this, and I'll be with you every step of the way. I'm proud of you, Kase and I'm sure back home that Kylie is bouncing off the walls waiting to see you sporting the Courage colours." 

Kasey smiles and looks at Kelley, "Thank you for being here with me." 

"No place I'd rather be than right here with you. Love you, Kase." 

"Love you, too, Kel." 

Kasey takes a couple of deep breaths before the pair enter the building and proceed to the check-in table, where they are handed passes that will allow them access to the different areas of the building. 

Having a bit of time to kill, they make a loop around the building and stop to speak with some of Kelley's teammates, both past and present, as well as a few members of coaching staff and management of other organizations.  

They are stopped by a few friends and or family members of players requesting pictures and happily oblige, not thinking about the fact that both of their rings are clearly on display.  

"Kel, I need to head to my meeting now. Are you coming with me or wandering around?" 

"Always with you, beautiful."

After locating the meeting room listed on the email from the organization, Kasey knocks on the door and awaits a response.  

None other than the current Coach of the North Carolina Courage himself, Paul Riley, answers the door sporting a huge smile. 

He reaches out his hand towards Kasey, and she shakes it along with Kelley afterwards. 

"It's nice to finally be able to put a face to the name. Please come in, Kasey; we have a lot to talk about." 

 "Yes, Coach." 

"How's your arm coming along?" 

"Just fine. No signs of infection, and the stitches are due to come out very soon." 

"All the same, I'd like for one of our staff to take a look at your arm and ensure that it's healing properly. Kelley, if you'd like, you can grab a drink and wait here while we get Kasey checked out." 

Kelley makes eye contact with Kasey, who nods that she's okay and then watches as the Coach and goalkeeper walk over towards a group along the other side of the room. 

Kasey's arm is checked out, and the stitches are removed. She is given some instructions on how to speed up the healing process and reassured that the scaring looks to be minimal. 

They return and take a seat at the table with Paul and a few other organization members. 

"Kasey, a lot has changed since we initially made you an offer to come to our free agent try-outs. I'm not sure if you are aware, but as of noon today, Sabrina D'Angelo has been loaned out to a team in Sweden for the upcoming season. We are looking for another keeper to add depth and also challenge Katelyn for the starting role. Do you think that you have what it takes to be a #1 in the NWSL, Kasey?" 

"Yes, Sir; I believe I do. I understand that there are other options available to you, most of whom have more experience at a higher level than I do, but I want to reassure you that what I lack in experience, I make up for in heart. I will come to every training session, game etc...  and give my 110%. I will earn my position on the roster and team and show everyone that I'm here to play and prove all the naysayers wrong." 

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