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The next morning everyone is up bright and early and awaiting the arrival of Jen and Erin. Kasey sips on her coffee and scans the headlines on her laptop while Kelley catches up on her social media. 

Kylie heads to the door as soon as there is a knock and opens it. "Ready to go, Little Wild?" 

"Yep, I'm starving!"

"Then let's get outta here." 

"Bye, Mom, Kelley." 

"Have fun and behave!" 

"Yes, Mom," Jen, Erin and Kylie all say at the same time, making everyone laugh.

Kasey locks the door behind Kylie and looks over at Kelley, "So, it seems as though we now have the day to ourselves; whatever shall we do?"

Kelley smiles at her, "It's nice to see you smiling. I was thinking about having a nice long shower before we head out to go shopping, any interest in joining me?" 

"Most definitely." 

They make their way into the bedroom, and Kelley can't help but notice that Kasey is just standing there and watching her rather than getting herself undressed. 

"What's on your mind, beautiful?" 

"You could have your choice of any woman, and I sometimes can't believe this is my reality and that you're really here and with me."  

Kelley makes her way over to Kasey and cups her jaw, looking her straight in the eyes, "This is real, what we have is real; I love you, Kase, and there is no other woman who I want, nor need, in my life and bed than you." She leans over and kisses Kasey's lips, "In case you didn't know it, or I haven't told you lately, you're gorgeous inside and out, and I thank my lucky stars every day for you. Now, how about we get those clothes off of you?" 

Kasey smiles and pulls Kelley in for a kiss, "I love you." One kiss leads to another, and soon they are slowly kissing each other, teasing and taunting more until the need to draw each other in closer takes over, as does the need to deepen the kisses. Kelley lets out a moan as Kasey nips her lower lip and tugs on it.  

"How about we continue this in the shower?" Kasey nods, and Kelley helps her out of her clothes. 

They make their way into the bathroom, and Kasey reaches over to turn the water and shower on, adjusting the temperature until it's neither too hot nor too cold. She pulls back the shower curtain and then steps into the tub and under the water, with Kelley following her in.  

Kelley wraps her arms around Kasey and kisses the water drops as they trickle down her shoulders and back. "Want me to wash, you?" 

Kasey nods and passes her the shampoo bottle. She squirts a small amount of the liquid in her hands and then begins lathering it up in Kasey's short hair. She rinses it out before completing the process a second time and then once more with some conditioner on her hands. 

She then takes the bottle of Kasey's favourite strawberry body wash and squirts some of the pink liquid into her hands before running her hands and washcloth all over her girlfriend's body. Kasey lets out a needy moan as the hands squeeze her breasts, and Kelley lets out a chuckle as she does. 

Kasey pulls her in, and they meet up in a deep, intense, needy kiss, continuing until the need for air overtakes them, and they separate. 

"Your turn to get washed." Kasey reaches for the shampoo and then takes her time ensuring that she massages both the hair and scalp of her lover as she washes and conditions her locks. She allows her hands and the washcloth to wander on Kelley's body while making sure she is washed and clean. 

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