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Kasey lays in bed on the verge of waking up but not quite ready to commit to it when she feels someone shaking her. 

"Mom, Mom, wake up! It's Christmas!" 

She lets out a moan, "Too early, Ky; go back to bed." 

"You may want to tell Kelley that then, because, she's already downstairs making coffee." 

"What?" Kasey turns over and sure enough, the bed is empty beside her. 

"Told ya." 

"Okay smarty pants, give me a few minutes and I'll be down." 

"Hurry up, there's lots of presents down there." 

Kylie leaves the room and Kasey reaches for her phone, when it lights up, she is shocked to see that it's not even 7 am yet. Getting up she heads to the bathroom to do what she needs to do in order to make herself presentable.

Heading downstairs she finds both Kelley and Kylie getting their jackets and shoes on and Buddy already hooked up his leash. 

Kelley sees her and smiles, "Morning beautiful. Your coffee is on the counter. Erin has already been called and the 'rents have been summoned. We'll be back in a few." 

Kasey smiles and nods as she watches the two head out with the dog. Wow, Kelley really is a morning person on Christmas, Kasey thinks as she heads to the kitchen to get her coffee. 

While sitting and enjoying her morning caffeine fix, she decides to give her Mom a call knowing that she will already be up.

Ring ... ring ... ring 

"Merry Christmas!" 

"Merry Christmas, Mom!

"Is Kylie up yet?" 

Kasey laughs, "Yes and amazingly, so is Kelley; there are currently out walking the dog together." 

"So, are you enjoying yourself in Georgia?" 

"Kelley told me that she sent you a picture of me on a horse." 

"She did. I'm glad that you finally allowed yourself to overcome that fear of yours." 

Kasey smiles, "Yeah, I really don't know what I was afraid of; it was actually quite fun, aside from the fact that I'm still hurting from it." 

She hears her Mom laugh on the other end. 

"Mom, Kylie just got back; I'm going to call her so she can come and talk. Hold on one sec." 


Kylie comes running into the kitchen with Buddy on her heels

"Kylie, I wasn't done wiping his paws off." 

"Sorry, Kelley." 

Kasey laughs. 

Kylie walks Buddy back to Kelley and then returns to take the phone from her Mom's hand. 

"Hi, Grandma! Merry Christmas! Guess what? I rode a horse named Snowflake." 

"Wow! That's awesome, Ky; I'm sure your Mom took plenty of pictures and I can't wait to see them all and hear about it when you get back." 

"Guess what else, Grandma?" 

"What, Ky?" 

"Kelley's Mom and Dad said that I could call them Grandma K and Papa D, isn't that cool?" 

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