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Two days later and Kasey sits at her table trying to focus on studying for her finals while Kylie is at school and the apartment is quiet. 

Not being able to focus despite the quiet, Kasey decides to get changed and head to the gym to get a workout in. 

Returning home, she showers and gets changed into some comfies, grabbing lunch before then returning to reading her notes. 

New Message

Kelley: How's studying going? 

Wild Thing: Very slowly. I never realized how many definitions and acronyms I needed to memorize. 

Kelley: I'm sure that you'll be fine. Try doing some yoga or meditation to relax or do what I used to do when I couldn't get into something - make it into a song. 

Kasey laughs when she sees the message and responds. 

Wild Thing: Not sure how easy it will be to make the Stages of Escalation into a song, but I guess it's worth a try. Thanks for the suggestion, babe.

Kelley: No worries, that's what I'm here for. Message or call me if you need anything, ok? Love you.

Wild Thing: I will. Love you too.

Kasey finds that she is able to get through her notes quicker if she does indeed read them aloud and make them into a song. She reviews them repeatedly for the next few hours and decides that if she doesn't have it locked in her brain by now, it's not going to happen before tomorrow morning.

She decides to tackle some laundry and gathers up her and Kylie's clothes, dropping them in the washing machine before then realizing that she has no clue what she's going to be wearing to the awards banquet with Kelley. 

New Message

Kasey Wild: I need your help.

Ali Krieger: Everything okay?

Kasey Wild: Not really. I have an awards banquet to attend on Saturday evening after the final and have nothing to wear! When are you coming to Toronto?

Ali Krieger: Flying in at 11:00 on Thursday with the Pride players.

Kasey Wild: I have a game at 1:00 on Thursday, but we could go out shopping afterwards. Please, I'm down on my knees!

Ali Krieger: Get up Wild; I will do it. Just so, you know KO already asked for help as well.

Kasey Wild: Did she happen to mention what we discussed?

Ali Krieger: Yes, and know that Ash and I are here for you no matter what. Shouldn't you be studying?

Kasey Wild: I was and have been on and off for the last few days. Taking a break and trying to get things in order for next week.  

Ali Krieger: Understandable. Make sure you take time for yourself, okay? Don't need you getting burnt out from trying to do everything. 

Kasey Wild: Don't worry, I am, and Kelley has been checking in on me as well. I'll see you on Thursday. 

Ali Krieger: See you then. 

"Mom, I'm home, and we brought pizza!" 

"I'm in my bedroom Ky; I'll be right out." 

Kasey smiles at her Mom, "Thanks for picking up Kylie and for pizza; I'm starving!" 

Her Mom laughs at her, "I figured as much; you tend to lose track of time when you focused on something, and I assumed you would forget to eat." 

"Yeah, I kinda did. Are you staying for some?" 

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