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The following day Kasey meets up with her two new friends in the lobby. Looking over at Angie, she cringes, "As if you have coffee, they asked me to fast for the bloodwork." 

"Sorry, I didn't know. I'll get rid of it." 

"It's okay; I hope that they have some food and coffee at the stadium for when I'm done with everything, or I'm going to have to go on a hunt for some. I don't really function well without at least one cup in the morning."  

Angie and Stacey smile and nod in agreement. 

"We ready to go?" 

"Let's get at it." 

In the car, Taylor Swift's latest single starts playing on the radio, and Kasey thinks nothing of singing along with it. Her car mates look at each other and then pull out their phones to record Kasey in her element. 


(Insert video here)

Chauffered to practice in style, courtesy @KaseyWild1.

#NorthCarolinaCourage, #NWSL, #KaseyWild, #Halsey, #Soccer, #Carpoolkaraoke, #GoWild

Upon arrival at the stadium, they check in and are given their instructions. All three head to the changerooms, and Angie gets herself ready to join the other keepers in their first session while Stacey sits and chills for a bit before hers. Kasey waves as she makes her way down the hall to locate the trainer and doctor's rooms. 

"See you guys afterwards. Good luck."  

Walking into the room, Kasey looks around before being met by a young woman and older man. 

"Good morning, Kasey." 


"We're going to start off with questions about your background and medical information, then head into the other room to check your weight, blood pressure etc., then we'll finish out with a urine test, some bloodwork and a pap test. Do you have any questions?" 

"What about the actual physical testing? When will that be done?" 

"Sometime this week, assuming that you fastest as instructed, it wouldn't be the best idea to do a bunch of physical tests today."  

"Makes sense. Can we get started because I'm hungry and need caffeine." 

They go through the list of questions, and Kasey laughs when they get to the sexual history part. "Yes, I'm in a relationship." 

"No, I'm not currently using any contraceptives, and no I won't be needing any." 

Kasey is surprised at the amount of blood being drawn. "Is all of that really necessary?"

"Yes, they will be running a complete panel on you. Don't worry; when this is all done, you can have something to eat in the hospitality area and come back in a bit for the urine sample. There is a hospitality room down the hall that has food and a Keurig." 

With the last vial of blood drawn, Kasey heads in the direction of the hospitality room and heads straight for the coffee machine, dishing herself out some fruit and a bagel while she waits for the room to fill with the smell of liquid gold. 

"I see you found your way to the coffee maker." Kasey turns around and smiles, "Morning, HAO." 

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