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Kasey does her best to climb out of bed and make her way to the bathroom quietly, allowing Kelley to continue to get much needed sleep, however, things don't go as planned when she trips on a piece of clothing on the floor and ends up banging into the table and chair. 

"Oww, damn it!" Kasey rubs her shin where she struck the chair. 



"You okay?" 

"Yeah, just added another bruise to the collection." 

Kelley yawns, "What time is it?" 

"Almost 11. I couldn't sleep anymore had to pee and my stomach's been grumbling up a storm." 

"Uh huh, I vaguely recall saying that training was cancelled, is that true or was I dreaming?" 

Kasey laughs, "It's true. How about you get a bit more sleep and I'll see what I can do to find us some coffee and food." 


Kasey smiles when she looks over and sees that Kelley's eyes are already closed. She grabs her bag and heads inside the bathroom to make herself look as presentable as possible before changing into fresh, albeit extremely wrinky clothes. 

Putting her shoes on, Kasey doubts Kelley's ability to recall their conversation and jots down a quick note on the notepad sitting on the nightstand. "Back soon with food, XO Kasey."

Kasey hits the down button and awaits the elevator.

"Morning, Kasey." 

Kasey smiles, "Morning, Dawn; I don't suppose you know where I can get some food and coffee?" 

"Lindsey directed us to a place a couple of blocks from here. Says the food is pretty good. Most of the team have already made their way there. Where's KO?" 

"I told her to go back to sleep and I would find food, she's kind of a bear if she doesn't get enough sleep." 

Dawn laughs, "Or if she's deprived her morning coffee." 

Kasey nods and laughs, "Same goes for me as well, I need it in order to be able to adult." 

The two make the walk a few blocks down and enter a small family run diner where as Dawn mentioned Kasey sees a large portion of the US team already sitting, drinking their morning brew and eating. She chuckles at the sight of a few of the girls wearing sunglasses in attempt to dull the brightness in the area. 

Kasey places an order for takeout and then has a coffee while she waits for it to be prepared. 

"Morning, Wild; where's your worser half?" 

Kasey looks up and smiles, "She's still in bed, Sam. Good game last night." 

"Thanks, I should say the same to you that was some serious training ground shit you pulled off against Reign." 

Kasey burst out laughing, "Just trying to keep the crowd entertained." 

"Uh huh. See you after." 

"Later, Mewwy." 

"Order for Kasey?" 

Kasey stands up and walks over to the register to collect their food and pay. Making her way back to the hotel, Kasey does her best to balance the two coffee cups in the cardboard carrier. Riding up to their floor, she hopes that at this point her wife is awake so she doens't have to struggle to place the keycard in the door to open it. She bangs on the door and yells, "Kel, open the door, my hands are full. Hurry up or else you're drinking carpet coffee." 

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