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Five days later inside the Parc des Princes stadium, the United States comes away with a 3 - 0 victory over Chile. In a game where the only scoring took place in the first half, Carli Lloyd found her name once again etched in the record books for scoring in 6 straight World Cup matches with two goals, while also missing out on the chance to collect a third via a penalty kick that she sent wide of the target. Julie Ertz worked her way through the crowd to find the netting and add their third and final goal on the day. Ertz would be withdrawn soon after scoring with a possible knee injury. The score line itself could have been alot more lopsided had it not been for an outstanding goalkeeping performance in the second half by Chilean Captain, Christiane Endler. A performance that Christen Press isn't soon to forget after the keeper came up with several high quality saves against the American player to deny her name being added to the sheet. 

After starting and playing the full 90 against Thailand, Kelley was dropped from the starting lineup in order to rest and replaced by Ali Krieger. Kasey once again had very little to do during the match after only seeing two shots find their way on target and making one save. 

The fans remain on their feet clapping and cheering as the final whistle sounds out. Kasey takes off her gloves and tucks them in the back of her shorts before making the rounds, hugging and congratulating her teammates. Once that's done she finds her way around to high fiving members of Chile and exchanging a few words with Endler, letting her counterpart know that she was extremely impressed by her effort today and wishing her all the best in the tournament and future. 

Back at the hotel afterwards, Kasey is putting the finishing touches on her look and outfit for an evening out with teammates, family and friends when her phone starts ringing. 

Ring ... ring ... ring

"I'll be ready in a few minutes, JP." 

"Sorry to interrupt Kasey, but, there's a woman here claiming to be your best friend. She says her name is ...JEN! LET ME UP WILD THING!"

Kasey bursts out laughing, "She's cleared JP." 

"Yes, Ma'am." 

A minute later there's a knock on the door and Kasey opens it to be met with Jen's body wrapping her arms around her. 

"What the fuck are you doing here, Sheridan?" 

"Shit's been going down with the team and we had an off week, so, they gave us extra time off. Rather than just sit in my apartment, I hoped on a plane and went to see Jessie's game against New Zealand yesterday and made the trip to see you play today, although, I don't recall, seeing you do much aside from stand and watch the game." 

Kasey shrugs, "True. Why didn't you tell me that you were here? I could have hooked you up with a pass. Wait, does Kylie know that you're here?" 

Jen smiles and nods, "I made her promise not to tell you that I was here, because I wasn't entirely sure if I'd have time to see you. As it is, I need to grab a plane back state side tomorrow morning, we have a game against Pride, not, that it matters, because, I don't see us turning things around this season." 

Kasey hugs her friend, "It's so good to actually see you in person, even, if it's just for a short time. I'm on my way out for supper with a group; you want to join?" 

Jen smiles and nods, "If you're buying, because, I may have emptied my account buying tickets. Also, can I stay with Little Wild tonight? I know that she and your Mom have a room and well, I don't." 

"Dare, I ask where you've been staying." 

"I found a hostel that had a spot, but, I barely slept because I was paranoid of my stuff being stolen." 

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