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It's now early Tuesday morning, and both Kasey and Kylie are up and at it, excited to get on the road to Toronto. 

Kasey takes a look around and makes sure that she's packed everything she could need for the next several days away. Satisfied that she's good to go, she puts her bags by the apartment's front door before heading to Kylie's room and checking on her daughters' progress. 

"Do you have everything you need, Ky?" 

Kylie looks at her, "Why do I need to bring school stuff with me? I mean, isn't the idea for me to have a few days off?" 

Kasey smiles and laughs, "That's not how it works kiddo, you still need to do the work you would have been doing if you were in class." 

"It sucks!" 

"I know, but we'll all help you with it. Finish packing; we need to pick up Grandma still." 

Kylie finishes up, and soon the car is packed, and they make the short drive across town to Grandma Pat's. 

Kasey helps her Mom put her bag in the trunk before they climb into the car. 

"How are my girls this morning?"


Kylie lets out a groan. 

"What's wrong, Kylie?" 

Kasey laughs, "She's not happy because I made arrangements with her teacher to have some schoolwork for her to do while we're away."  

"There's like 10 pages of math!" 

"I already told you that I would help you with it, Kylie; now, please drop it."

"Okay. I'm hungry, Mom." 

Kasey turns into a Tim Horton's, "Normally, I would say no to you having a donut for breakfast, but I'll let it go today if you like, Ky."

"Yes, please! Can I have a hot chocolate too?"

"Now, you're pushing it, kiddo."    

"Please." Kylie does her best puppy dog eyes, and Kasey laughs, "Fine." 

"It's nice to see you smiling and laughing, Kase." 

Kasey nods in response to her Mom's comment, "I never realized how much pressure I was putting on myself with regards to school stuff. It's nice not to have to think about it, at least until the new term starts up." 

"I'm proud of you Kasey, I know trying to balance everything hasn't been easy on you, but, despite a few missteps and bad days, you've kept battling and can now hold your head up high."

"I'll hold my head up when we win the Championship. Right now that's my focus." 

"And perhaps your relationship with Kelley."  

Kasey nods, "Definitely."  

Grandma Pat smiles and nods as they collect their breakfast order from the counter. 

After making a few stops along the way, for food, fuel and bathroom breaks, the trio of Wilds arrive at their hotel. Fortunately, Kasey secured a room in the same hotel as her team and took advantage of a team discount to save on the extra room.  As Kasey gets checked in and collects the room keys, Kylie and her Grandmother empty the trunk contents. 

 As they make their way into the small room, Kasey is surprised to find a brand new flatscreen television mounted on the wall opposite the beds. 

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