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Kasey lays back on her couch and lets out a loud groan as Jen returns from using the washroom. 

"You okay, Kase?" 

Kasey shakes her head, "My phone has been ringing and beeping non-stop and my email bombarded since the article came out about Kelley and me, our relationship and wedding." 

"You had to know that it was going to cause a shitstorm." 

Kasey chuckles, "I guess I'd hoped that it would kinda float under the radar." 

Jen lifts her legs and proceeds to sit on the couch beside her. "Just turn off all of your notifications and ringer and you should be fine." 

"I really wish that Kelley was here." 

"The team plays in Washington on Friday, right?" 

"Yeah, then on to Houston and the last game is in Los Angeles."

"Why don't you book a flight to DC and surprise her? The apartment is pretty much packed and you're on top of your school stuff. You deserve a bit of a sanity break because you've been really pushing yourself lately. I don't have anything pressing and am more than willing to stay here with Ky and Buddy. Now, what do you say?"  

Kasey looks over to where the dog is laying and snoring away, "I already feel really bad about leaving Kylie for as long as I am; it wouldn't be fair for me to drop everything and take off for a couple of days away." 

"Wild, trust me, she will be fine and you need a break. I can't even tell anymore if you're grumpy because you're stressed out or because you haven't gotten laid in a couple of days." 

Kasey laughs, "Probably a bit of both. If you promise to be here and look after Ky then I'm going to take you up on it and check out flights." 

"Kylie will be fine with me. Don't forget, I'm going to be away from her as well and this will give us time to hang before I leave. Not to mention that Buddy is a chick magnet." 

"Wow, that's quite possibly a new low for you Sheridan, using my dog as bait for dates." 

"Some of us aren't as lucky as you in the relationship department." 

Kasey nods, "I'm sorry. I know how difficult it's been for you." 

Jen shrugs, "Well you know the old saying the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else or maybe over someone else in this case? Either way, Jess made it clear that she doesn't have the time or energy for us right now. Anyway, before I end up drowning in my own sorrow, I'm going to live vicariously through you and send you to DC to get laid." 

Kasey laughs, "Let's do it." 

While Kasey and Jen check Expedia and a couple of other sites to find the best flights and rates to the American capital, Kelley is busy training with her US teammates. 

"O'Hara, can I speak with you for a minute?" 

"Yes, Coach." Kelley grabs a water bottle and follows Jill Ellis away from the rest of the team. 

"Is there something on your mind? Because clearly, you aren't playing up to your capability today."

"I'm sorry, Coach; the article about Kasey and me came out and it's been getting a ton of publicity both good and bad and well, I haven't been able to reach her to check-in."  

"I see. Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts and if you aren't able to get it together, I won't think twice about having you start the match on the bench." 

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