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In the morning, Kasey's alarm sounds out, and she turns over to hit the button to make it stop. 

Laying there for a few minutes, she takes some deep breaths before then getting up and beginning her regular daily routine. 

As she enjoys her first cup of coffee on the day, she scrolls through her social media and can't help but notice that she has a new follower, Kelley's sister Erin. She smiles and then continues checking out the pictures and posts. 

Once she downs the last drop from her cup, she finishes off making lunches for her and Kylie before then going ahead and packing them in their bags, along with water bottles.

Heading back into her bedroom, she lays out what she plans to wear to the placement and, not wanting to risk getting paint on her good clothes, adds a change of clothes for her shift at the craft store as well. Making her way to the bathroom, she slides out of her t-shirt and shorts and under the hot water, which lasts about 5 minutes before turning lukewarm on her as always. She finishes washing and then steps out to complete the remainder of her routine. 

Looking at the time she packs her work clothes, she heads over to Kylie's room and wakes her daughter up for school. Returning, she grabs some running shoes and makes sure they're in her bag for work before making her way out to the kitchen to get started on Kylie's breakfast. 

Kylie emerges and yawns, "Morning." 

Kasey smiles, "Morning. How about you get dressed, and I'll make us some eggs for breakfast?" 

"And toast?" 

"I used the last of the bread for our lunches; how about a bagel, instead?" 

Kylie nods as she makes her way back to her room to get changed. 

Eventually, the two Wild's make their way out of the apartment, and Kasey drives Kylie to school. 

"Have a good day at school, Ky, and I'll see you in the morning. Be good for Grandma. Love you."

"Love you, Mom." Kasey smiles as Kylie gives her a wave after climbing out of the car and joining up with Taylor, who stopped to wait for her. 

Pulling out of the lot of Kylie's school, she then makes the drive to her placement school, parks in the staff parking lot and, after typing in her door code, makes her way inside. 

After she changes her footwear and puts away her jacket and bag, she looks to find Michelle but instead finds a supply teacher for her supervisor, who hands her a paper with instructions for the day. 

Having time to kill now before her day officially starts with the bell ringing, Kasey takes a seat and pulls out her phone. 

New Message

Wild Thing: Morning.

Kelley: Urgh, why are you up so early?

Kasey lets out a laugh as she remembers that Kelley has company, that in all likelihood, kept the defender up later than she would have liked. 

Wild Thing: Some of us have responsibilities, you know.

Kelley: I know. I wish I were waking up with you rather than just messaging you. 

Wild Thing: Me too. I should go now; the bell is about to ring. 

Kelley: Have a good day at placement, and try not to spill any paint on yourself at work. I'll be spending my day attempting to recover while dealing with my sister. I honestly think I'd rather do another round of conditioning drills. Don't tell her that I said that, okay?  

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