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Kasey Wild turns over and locates her phone on her nightstand, presses the spot on its screen to silence the annoying beeping sound. With the quiet now surrounding her, she lays her head back on her pillow and does her usual scroll through social media sites, and checking the latest scores before ensuring she has no emails that need an immediate response before deciding to get up and face the day head-on.

Making her way out of her bedroom and across the hall, she heads to the bathroom to splash water on her face and complete her morning routine. Looking at the mirror as she brushes her teeth, Kasey can't help but smile as she looks at the butterfly stickers that surround the edges of it. Kylie, her 8-year-old daughter, absolutely loves butterflies. On a whim, she stuck the stickers to the mirror only to find out that afterwards, she couldn't remove them without also peeling the finish of the mirror off; so they remain in place, not that she minds as she has grown to like them as well. 

Once she is finished up in the bathroom, Kasey dries her hands off on the towel and then makes her way out to the small kitchen after poking her head into Kylie's room and ensuring that her daughter is still asleep in her bed, and not having been woke up by the alarm sounding out. 

Kasey makes herself a cup of coffee to drink and toasts a bagel to munch on while she gets started on preparing and packing lunches for both Kylie and herself. After enjoying a long summer break, it's time for both of them to get back into routine and ready themselves for school. In Kylie's case, that means it the first day of a new school year at her Elementary School, while for Kasey, it's her third day of class at Capital City College, where she is in her second year of studying towards becoming a Child and Youth Worker. 

After struggling the last few years to keep a roof over their heads and food on their plates, Kasey was finally able to secure a loan to aid towards her College education, which was put off initially by the birth of Kylie. At the same time, she was still a teenager and then by the fact that she was left as the sole caretaker for her daughter when Kylie's father and Kasey's boyfriend at the time, James, bolted out of their lives and hadn't been heard from since. At the time, her parents also cast her out of their home, but she and her Mother has since reconnected. 

Kasey had repeatedly tried through the years to contact him through his family, but her letters and photographs were returned unopened, and his family failed to recognize Kylie as one of their own.

She had decided the previous summer that it was time she went back to college. After Kylie was born, Kasey had had to drop out to get a part-time job to help support the two of them. Her Mom helped by watching Kylie while she was working and at college, so she didn't have to worry about paying a babysitter. Kasey had worked in a craft store for going on 7 years now and had been promoted several times but dreamed of doing something more with her life, so she enrolled at Capital City College or, as the locals called it, 3C.

Finishing up with making their lunches and her coffee, Kasey checks the time and decides to head in to grab her shower and begin getting ready. After drying her body and short hair off and wrapping a towel around herself, she walks back into her bedroom to set out the clothes she has chosen to wear on the bed. 

Once she finishes drying herself off and putting on her bra, underwear and socks, she pulls on one of her favourite pair of jeans, slides a belt through the loops and then makes sure to roll on some deodorant before pulling her t-shirt over her head and down. Walking over to her closet, where her shoe collection is somewhat hidden, she pulls out her favourite purple and pink Asics and ties them on to complete the look. 

Satisfied with the clothing choices for what she expects to be a chill day of class, she makes her way back to the bathroom to brush her teeth and use some minty mouthwash. Grabbing the yellow tube off the counter, she then squeezes some gel into her hands and proceeds to spike and messes up her short, slightly purple hair a little, to create a slight bedhead look. On a whim one day, while she was in the store, Kasey had decided to buy some purple hair dye and have some fun with it. With her short hair cut, the colour really stood out, and she'd received many compliments on it, so she decided to keep it that way.  

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