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Kasey, after showering, is just finishing getting dressed and making herself presentable to go out when Kylie yells to her, "Mom, your phone is buzzing again." 

"Thanks, Ky. I'll grab it in a minute; who's the message from?" 


"Oh, okay." 

Kasey puts the final touches on her hair and minimal makeup before collecting her phone from the nightstand. She smiles and laughs when she sees Kelley's message. 

New Message

Kelley: Gooooooood Mooooooooorning Baaaaaaaaaaabe. 

Wild Thing: Someone's in a good mood this morning.

Kelley: I would be in an even better one if you were with me right now. I have time to kill before I need to get ready to practice.

Wild Thing: I'll be there shortly. Kriegs and I are hanging out while you guys practice.

Kelley: Hurrrrrry!

Wild Thing: Lol! I'll be there soon.

Kelley: Okay. 

Kasey puts on her shoes and jacket and checks she has everything she needs in her purse. 

"I'm going out with Ali for a bit while Kelley and the team are practising. When I get back, we can grab lunch and then head to the aquarium. Sound good?" 

Kylie nods, "Is Kelley coming with us to the Aquarium, Mom?"

"I hope so; I bought tickets for all of us. Be good for Grandma, and I'll see you in a few hours. Call me if you need me." 

"Mom, you have Kelley's number, and I wrote Ali's down on the notepad if you need it. Love you."

"Go and have fun, Kase." 

Kasey makes the now familiar drive back to Kelley's hotel with the tunes cranked and her singing away at the top of her lungs to an old Fifth Harmony song. 

"We don't need nobody, I just need your body, Nothin' but sheets in between us, Ain't no gettin' off early ..." 

Parking her car, Kasey climbs out and then makes her way into the hotel's main lobby before heading over to the elevator and riding it up to the floor where the members of the USWNT are staying. 

She knocks on Kelley's door, and it quickly opens. 

"About time you got here; I've been waiting forever!" 

Kasey laughs, "Don't be such a drama queen, Kel; I've only been gone for like 10 hours." 

"10 hours too many!" 

 "What's going on with you this morning? You're acting weirder than usual." 

"I resent that! And maybe it's just the fact that I'm really happy right now." 

They share a kiss, "Me too, Kel." 

"Are you sure you're okay about what happened after the game?" 

Kasey nods, "Yeah, it was a shock seeing James again, but I realized I'm a lot stronger than I used to be, and I won't take anything from him laying down."  

"Or from behind." 


"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Are you planning on telling Kylie about him? And what about if she wants to spend time getting to know him?" 

"I will when the time is right, and if she wants to get to know him better, I won't object, as she deserves to get to know her father, but I will impose conditions." 

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