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Kasey walks out from the changeroom and makes her way over towards Kelley. 

"You ready to go?" 

She gets no response from Kelley who is staring at her phone. 

"Kel? Kelley? Hello, anyone home?" 

Kelley finally realizes she isn't alone, "Sorry, I was sidetracked thinking about a message I received a short time ago." 

"You're not in trouble, are you?" 

Kelley looks at her and shakes her head, "No, nothing like that." 

"Okay, I'll bite who was the message from?"

"Jill Ellis."

"Okay, so what did Jill have to say that's got you so rattled?" 

"How about I just show you what she said and then you'll have a better idea." 

Kelley pulls up the message from Jill inquiring if Kasey might be interested in pursuing the NWSL or USWNT.  

Kasey's eyes go big, "She wants me to play for the US?" 

Kelley nods, "What do you think?" 

"I don't know, Kel; I'm Canadian and I've only ever pictured myself wearing the red and white and maple leaf of Soccer Canada if given the chance. Not that I expected to ever get it. I actually thought when I was younger that I could be the next Swiatek, Wright, Leblanc or even McLeod or Labbé; I never saw myself as being a field player." 

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you what an amazing opportunity this could be for you and well, we could possibly end up playing together and that would be awesome. Just think about it, okay? Not to mention, we don't even know what Jill is thinking or offering at this point. She has seen you in goal and knows you rock the gloves; so, that could be a consideration. How about we speak with her in Washington about it and get a better idea as to what is in her head." 

Kasey nods, "Okay." 

Kelley leans over and kisses her, "Whatever you decide I will support your decision. I know it isn't just about you and me and that you also have to consider what's best for Kylie as well."    

"Thank you for understanding, that it's not a simple choice and or decision for me." 

"Well, hopefully, Jill will be able to give you more information and see if it's even a legit option." 

"Yeah, come on I need to get home now; I'm sure Kylie is waiting up for me." 

"Let's go beautiful." 

Kasey barely is inside the apartment before Kylie comes running over and wraps her arms tightly around her, "Mom, you played awesome! Four goals, I'm definitely wearing my Capital City jersey to school tomorrow and oh, the backflip that was amazeballs!!" 

Kasey and Kelley laugh, "Amazeballs, huh?" 

"Yeah, totally, that's what Taylor said." 

"Okay, Kylie, you've seen your Mom, now, I think it's time for you to be off to bed."

Kylie looks over at her Grandmother and then back towards her Mom and Kelley, "Please, can I stay up a bit longer?" 

Kasey shakes her head, "Not tonight, Ky, it's already past your bedtime and you know how grumpy you get when you don't get enough sleep. Say your goodnight and off you go, I'll be in in a few to tuck you in." 

Kylie walks over to the couch and hugs her Grandmother before then walking back over to hug Kelley, "Are you going to be here when I wake up?" 

Kelley smiles and nods, "Yes, my flight isn't until 10, kiddo." 

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