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Kelley reaches over and squeezes Kasey's hand as they wait for their flight to take off, "Kase, relax. Buddy will be fine underneath the plane; Courage management made sure that he'd be treated like the King he is." 

Kasey chuckles, "I know, it's just if anything were to happen to him..." Kasey looks across the aisle where Kylie is already chilling with headphones in and playing a game with Jeremiah, Jess McDonald's son. 

"He'll be fine. Trust me." 

Kasey nods, but, Kelley knows she's still not completely onboard with the idea and won't be until the land in Portland and Buddy is released from the crate that he's currently in. 

"You're fine with making the rounds with him and Roary when we get there, right?" 

Kelley leans over and kisses her wife's cheek, "Kase, Little Wild and I've got everything covered. You need only to focus on yourself and winning the Championship. Close your eyes and try to get some sleep, I'll keep tabs on Kylie." 

After having spent the previous two days travelling, training and dealing with media, Kasey is exhausted and in need of a mental reset. She and Heather make their way back to their room after a team meeting and Kasey collapses on her bed letting out a loud, frustrated, sigh. 

"What's wrong, Kase?" 

"Just tired and frustrated because every single interview became more about me as the singer and not, me as the player or me as part of a team of badass women who are competing for the Championship tomorrow."

HAO chuckles, "I'd say I understand, but, I've never been in the position you are; I mean, you've heard me at karaoke, right? I get booed off the stage." 

Kasey bursts out laughing, "Yeah, I don't know what you were thinking jumping up there and attempting a Miley Cyrus song." 

"I thought about doing one of yours, but, I figured you'd ask to change roommates if I did." 

"Oh, I definitely would have!" 

"You ready for tomorrow?" 

"The team shrink seems to think so." 

"That's not funny. How are you feeling about everything? Be honest with me because you know I only need to push one button to call Kelley." 

Kasey takes a deep breath, "Overwhelmed. My anxiety level is currently off the chart." 

"Wanna talk about it?" 

"That seems like all I've been doing lately, talking with the shrink, Kelley, Jen and even my Mom. I'm tired of talking, I just want to get out there and play."

"That's fair, but, know I'm here for you." 


It's the night before the Championship game and all Kasey wants to do is sleep, but, she can't and has been pacing around the room and up and down the hallway of the hotel for the past hour. 

"Kase, you need to get some sleep." 

"I can't, too wired." 

Heather reaches over, grabs her phone and types out a message. 

New Message

HAO: Kasey is pacing; how do I chill her out? We can't leave and need to sleep. Any suggestions?

KO: I have an idea. I'm not allowed to sleepover, but, there's nothing written saying that Buddy can't. Let me take him out and then I'll be up to your room. He'll know what she needs to calm down. 

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