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When Friday morning comes, Kasey is up and at it long before her alarm even sounds out. She finishes packing her bag for the weekend away and what she needs for her one class on the day. 

She heads into the bathroom, grabs a quick shower, and gets dressed before making her way out to the kitchen to make Kylie's lunch and breakfast. She whistles as she does so, happy that she'll be seeing Kelley in a matter of hours. 

Although she'd much prefer not even to bother going to her class today, she's already missed a few lately and knows it's important to attend regardless of the fact that she's already flying through the course and assignments with aces. 

After making Kylie's lunch, she decides not to bother making one for herself as she'll grab something on campus before she leaves and turns to make some coffee for herself. 

Her phone chimes out a reminder that it's time to wake Kylie up, and she heads down the hall to the small bedroom where she's sleeping. 

"Kylie, it's time to get up."

"Don't want to," Kylie says, and she ducks under the covers. 

Not this again, thinks Kasey. "Get up, or I'll tell Kelley on you!"

Kylie pulls down the blanket from over her face, "Don't do that, Mom." 

"Get up, now, and I won't. 3..2.." 

"I'M UP!"

Kasey laughs and walks over to hug her daughter, smiling, "You're getting so big. Soon, you'll be taller than me." 

Kylie looks at her, "I hope I don't grow much more, I'm already one of the tallest in my class, and some of the boys make fun of me for it." 

"Are these the same boys who always pick you to be on their team for gym and recess?" 

Kylie nods. 

"Then most likely, they're just jealous that you're closer to the hoop than they are. Just show them what you're capable of, and it'll shut them up. Now, get dressed, and I'll make breakfast." 

Kylie is just finishing up her breakfast when Grandma Pat arrives to take her to school. 

"Coffee, Mom?" 

"I'm good, Kase, thanks." 

"Kylie, teeth, face, hands, hair, and go!" 

"I got it, Mom." Kylie takes off down the hall towards the bathroom.

Grandma Pat laughs at them. 

"You all ready to go?" 

"Yep. I'm excited. Thanks again for this weekend." 

"You deserve a break, Kase; you've been working hard, and I know you miss Kelley." 

Kasey smiles and nods. 

Kasey hugs Kylie, "You be good for Jen and Grandma while I'm away, okay? I love you, kiddo." 

"Love you, Mom. Tell Kelley that I miss her." 

"I will." Kasey watches as they head out the door and then makes her way back to her bedroom to collect what she needs and finish getting ready. 

Her phone starts ringing, and by the tone, she knows it's Jen calling, surprisingly on time for once to pick her up and drive her to class today. 

"Morning. Did you get a new alarm?" 

"Funny. I'm downstairs. Are you ready to go, or should I come up?" 

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