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Landing back at Raleigh International, Kasey finds Kelley waiting for her and can't help but melt into her wife's arms before sharing a kiss. 

"That wasn't long enough, Kase." 

Kasey chuckles, "We're in public and have an audience, gotta keep it PG, Babe." 

"Then, let's get the heck outta here! I'm going to start walking back to the car while you collect your bags." 

"Seriously? I do all the work and then get stuck carrying my bags as well?" 

Kelley shrugs, "I've been cleared to drive, not, carry your crap, Wild. Now, come on, Mom has supper waiting for us at home." 

Kasey laughs, "You make us sound like kids, Kel." 

"Aren't we though?"

Kasey laughs and nods, "Get going O'Hara, I'll be right behind you."

Walking in the door Buddy comes running and barks at them as they enter the house. 

"Buddy, no barking!" 

Kylie comes out from her room, "Mom, you're back!" 

Kasey laughs, "Looks like it; did, you miss me?" 

"Maybe a little, but, Momo and the Grandma's did a good job looking after me." 

Kasey looks around, "Speaking of the Grandma's, where are they?"

"Grandma P is out getting some groceries and Grandma K is or was doing laundry."  

"Was doing laundry." A voice responds from the hallway, "Welcome home, Kasey." Karen makes her appearance and walks over to Kasey to hug her. "Supper's not quite ready, how about we grab a cold drink and chat while we wait for the timer to go off." 

Kasey nods and proceeds over to the fridge to grab a couple of cold ones for her and Kelley while Karen grabs herself and Kylie non-alcoholic options. 

They sit down on the couch and relax. 

"So, Kasey what's on your schedule for the next couple of weeks?" 

"No soccer, but, I do have to head to the studio to record something and do some appearances." Kasey smiles, "I've also confirmed a trip to Ottawa involving several appearances and interviews and culminating with a special concert to be held at Capital City." 

Kylie's face lights up, "I'll get to see Brianna and Taylor, and all my friends!" 

Kasey smiles and nods, "You will. I still need to sort out the details with your teachers and school, but, I don't see an issue with you doing online assignments for a week." 

"This is awesome! Can I call Bri and tell her the news?" 

Kasey nods, "Keep the call short, okay? I'm sure the bill is going to be little higher this month with the calls I made while in Europe." 

"Got it!" 

Kylie races off down the hall to her bedroom in order to call her BFF and let her know the news. 

"When did this all come about and is Demi or any of the others making the trip with you?" 

"It's been in the works since before the NWSL Championship, I asked Dani about the possibility of doing a show exclusively for 3C students and staff and she made all the arrangements. It'll give me a chance to visit, promote and celebrate with my Crusaders on winning back to back OCAA Championships!" Kelley can't help but smile and laugh at the way her wife says the last part. 

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