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What is that noise, and where is it coming from? Kelley wonders as she awakens from the dead the next morning. 

"Shut off your damn alarm, Worms." Alex yells

Kelley reaches over and turns it off. Noticing the note with it and smiling when she reads it. 

"Can you please put a shirt on? It's too early for the girls to be out on display."

"Not like you haven't seen them before, Janice." Kelley fires back at her.

"So what happened with you and Kasey last night? I got back to the room, and you were out cold, and there was a note with your phone."

"She gave me a massage, and it knocked me out. That woman has magic hands."


"Mind out of the gutter Alex, not that type of massage. I wish it had been, though. She took a massage course before and really knows what she is doing."

"That's the best sleep I have had well since the last massage she gave me."

"Any chance I can I borrow her? These pillows did a number on me, and my neck is sore. If I go to the trainers, they'll want to pull me from the starting lineup."

"You have her number, right?" 

Alex nods, "Yeah, I got it from her before we left Ottawa." 

"Then send her a message. I'm sure she'll help." 

Kelley picks up her shirt along with some clothes to put on before heading into the bathroom to complete her morning routine. 

Kasey feels her phone buzz and assumes it's Kelley sending her a good morning message. She's surprised to see Alex's name on the screen instead of her girlfriend. 

New Message

Alex Morgan: I hope I'm not waking you. I have a bit of a problem, and Kelley thought you might be able to help me out. Would it be possible for you to come up to our room ASAP?

Kasey Wild: Can I grab a coffee first?

Alex Morgan: I'll send Kelley out to get us all some caffeine. Also, come alone—no Kreigs. 

Kasey Wild: Okay, I will be there in a few.

Alex Morgan: Thank you!

"What's all that about?" Ali looks over at her. 

"Alex asked me to come up to her and Kelley's room ASAP. Apparently, she needs my help with something."

"Okay, let me get changed, and we can head up." 

"She asked me to come alone. I'm wondering if Kelley put her up to something. Be back in a bit, and we can grab some breakfast together."

"Ok, sounds good. I'm going to grab a shower while you're gone." 

"I'm writing my number on the notepad; message me if I don't return or check Instagram; because if it's a prank, I'm sure it will be posted." 

Ali laughs, "Definitely, gotta stay on your toes around this group, Wild." 


"Morning, beautiful," Kelley says, taking her girlfriend in her arms and kissing her. 

"Morning, so what's so important that I needed to come up here, and where's the coffee I was promised?"

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