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A few minutes later Karen comes back to find Kasey in the kitchen trying to figure out things for herself.

Karen smiles and puts her hand on her shoulder, "I have an idea. When Kelley and Erin get back from the pharmacy we can discuss it. The Tylenol is helping and Kylie is watching her movie, how about we join her and watch the remainder of it with her."

Kasey nods stands up and follows Karen into the living room.

She brushes the hair away from Kylie's face and notices that her daughter is still feeling pretty warm to the touch.

"How are you feeling?"


Kasey lets out a chuckle as she takes a seat on the couch beside her.

As the movie plays in front of them, Kasey couldn't even tell you what's happening beyond something to do with gymnastics.

She feels arms wrap around her and lips ghost her cheek, "Miss me?"


"How's she doing?"

"Okay at the moment. Were you able to get the prescription?"

Kelley nods, "Yep. The pharmacist told me that she doesn't need to take it with food, so we could give her some now."

Kasey stands up and follows Kelley into the kitchen. Kelley takes a bottle out of the bag and shakes it. "I picked banana flavour over bubblegum; I hope that's alright."

"It's perfect. Let me know how much I owe you for it."

"Kase, your money's no good with me. I will, however, take a kiss as payment later."

Kasey smiles, "That I can manage. Let's get Ky her meds and then I'll pay you for your services."

Kelley smiles, "Can't wait!"

They head back into the living room and have Kylie sit up so she can have her first dose of meds, before curling back up and watching another show with Erin. Once that's done, they make sure to put the bottle in the fridge, share a quick kiss and then rejoin the others in the living room.

As Kylie soon falls asleep, the others turn the movie off and instead opt to read and or talk quietly. Kasey finds her eyelids getting heavy and see lays in Kelley's arms and eventually caves in and falls asleep for a short time as does Kelley.

They are awoken by Buddy's barking as Dan makes his way into the house. "Buddy, no barking!"

The pup looks at them and lets out another half bark before laying back down beside Kylie on the floor.

"How was meals on wheels today, Dad?"

"Good. Makes me even more thankful that I have my health and family. Speaking of health, how is Kylie doing? Mom messaged that Derek came over and checked her out."

"I'm doing okay Papa D," they hear a little voice say "I have banana flavoured medicine."

Dan smiles as Karen enters the room, "Oh good, you're finally home. I'm calling a family meeting in the living room, right now."

Dan kisses his wife on the cheek, "Just let me wash up and I'll be right back."

Kelley looks around at them, "Whatever it is, I didn't do it! I'm innocent! Buddy broke the ornament, I didn't!"

They all shake their head at her.

"What? It's true!"

Dan returns to the room and takes a seat in the chair.

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