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Arriving back in Ottawa, Kasey is met by Jen and Kylie. She walks over drops her bags and wraps her arms around them. 

"Aww, you missed me." 

Kasey rolls her eyes and laughs at her friend. "Sure, keep telling yourself that Sheridan." 

"I missed you, Mom." 

Kasey squeezes her daughter, "Missed you, Ky. Can we please just get out of here and home, now?"

"For real, I don't want to have to pay any more for parking than necessary." 

Kasey shakes her head, "I told you to park in the cell lot and that I would call when I landed, Jen." 

"Yeah, but, it's kinda fun watching the planes, right, Ky?" 

Kylie looks at her, "Just own up and tell Mom about the chick you saw and decided to follow in here." 

"In my defence, I thought that she was an actress from a movie I watched recently." 

 "Please tell me that you weren't watching porn in my apartment!" 

"Hey! I do watch real movies sometimes you know and also I haven't watched anything like that for a while all I do now is think about Jessie and her smile." 

"Do everyone a favour and never, ever admit to that out loud ever again." 

Kylie talks animatedly about the adventures of the past couple of days with Jen and Buddy on the drive home, and Kasey adds comments here and there but is noticeably disconnected from the conversation.

They arrive back at the apartment and Kasey greets Buddy with hugs and pets before he follows  Kylie into her room. 

Jen takes a seat on the couch and taps the cushion beside her, "Okay, Wild, spill what's going on? Did you and KO have a fight?"

"We didn't have a fight per se."

"Then can you explain why KO had me go to the florist on her behalf and ensure that there were flowers here waiting for you?"

"It wasn't a fight and I'm probably just overthinking everything." 

"Spill the deets of what went on and I'll give you my opinion." 

Kasey stands up, "Fine, just, let me get a tea first. You want one?" 

"You're out of milk. I used the last of it in my coffee earlier." 

Kasey looks back at her friend, "You didn't think to mention that while we were out?" 

Jen scrunches her nose, "Kinda forgot. I'll go and get some as well as bagels because I ate the last one of them as well." Jen stands up and gets her jacket and boots on, "I'll be back shortly and then you can tell me what happened." 

Kasey nods and collects her bags from the doorway, retreating to her bedroom for a short time to unpack and check on Kylie and Buddy. 

She shakes her head when she sees the dog sleeping on her daughter's bed next to her. "I thought the deal was that Buddy was to sleep in his bed or on the floor, not your bed?"

Kylie smirks and shrugs her shoulders, "He didn't want to and I didn't have the heart to tell him to get down."  

Kasey can't help but smile, "Are you all done your homework?"

"I didn't have any, got it all done in class." 

Buddy's ears and head lift up and he looks towards the door. "Sounds like Jen is back from the store. Is that one of my books?" 

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