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The next morning Kelley turns over and finds that she's alone in bed. Looking at the time on her phone, she realizes that she's slept in late. It's really no wonder after the previous evening's events. What is surprising is that her gorgeous girlfriend is nowhere to be seen. 

She gathers up some clothes to put on and then heads into the bathroom to make herself presentable before then heading downstairs to look for everyone. 

Kelley finds Kasey sitting on the couch, lost in thought and leans over to kiss her cheek, "Morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" 

Kasey lets out a chuckle, "I slept really well, but not nearly long enough, though, as Kylie was up early." 

"I should have known that Kylie was the reason I woke up all alone." 

"She's excited, Kel, and I can't say that I blame her. I can't wait to hit up the beach today." 

Kelley smiles, "I can't wait to see you in your new bikini." 

Kasey laughs, "You didn't get enough of me last night and, well, this morning?" 

Kelley shakes her head, "No. I'll never get enough of you, beautiful. So, where is everyone?" 

Kasey stands up with her cup and makes her way towards the kitchen, "They all took Logan out for a walk. Coffee?" 

"Yes, coffee good!" Kasey laughs before passing her over a cup. Kelley takes a couple of mouthfuls of the beverage before moving closer to Kasey and wrapping her arms around her, "I didn't get my good morning kiss yet." 

"I seem to recall you getting more than one good morning kiss already, Kel." 

Kelley smiles and laughs, "I'm really enjoying seeing you loosen up." 

"It's nice not having to be concerned with school or work for a few weeks." 

"I know how hard you've been working, and I fully intend to help you relax." 

"And how are you going to do that?" Kasey looks at her with a mischievous-looking smile, and Kelley laughs, "Perhaps, we can start with a kiss and see where that leads." 

They lean into each other and share a few kisses and hugs, unaware that they are no longer alone. 

"Seriously, you two didn't get enough of each other last night? Ali and I ended up putting in earplugs, so we didn't have to hear you. I told you the walls were thin." 

Kasey and Kelley both let out a chuckle, "Sorry, Ash."  

Ashlyn mumbles under her breath, "Sure, you are." 

Ali enters the kitchen and gives them both a look while shaking her head. "Oh, come on, Kriegs, we already apologized to Ash." 

Ali laughs, "Uh-huh."

Kylie enters the kitchen, "Logan's all fed and has a fresh bowl of water." 

"Thank you, Kylie." 

"You're welcome. I like having a dog; I wish we could have one. What's for breakfast? I'm hungry."

"How about I make us all breakfast?" Kelley offers surprising them all. 

"Do you know how to make French Toast, Kelley? Mom makes it really good and loads it down with syrup and berries." 

Kelley looks around at the adults, "You guys up for French Toast? If not, I make a mean omelette." 

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