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It's now Wednesday afternoon and Kelley and Kylie wait with Kasey and Jen for their flight to Orlando to be called. 

"Kel, you and Kylie don't need to stay until our flight leaves. I'm only going to be gone for a couple of days." 

"I know, it's just I can't seem to get enough of you; you drive me Wild, Kase." 

Kasey laughs and shakes her head before leaning in to kiss Kelley, "That was really bad and it's time for you to leave." 

Kelley laughs, "It was, but, it made you laugh. I love you, Kase and I'm going to miss you." 

"Love you, Kel." They share a hug and kiss before Kylie comes over and hugs her Mom. Kasey kisses the top of her daughter's head. "Love you, kid. Be good for Kelley and Grandma, okay?" 

"I'm always good, Mom; it's Kelley, who's the problem." 

Kasey smiles and laughs, thinking that her daughter isn't necessarily wrong with her assessment. Kelley has definitely already proven to be a handful at times. 

Kasey and Kelley share another hug and kiss before separating. 

"Message me when you land, okay? I won't be able to sleep unless I know that you are safe." 

Kasey smiles, "I will, I promise." 

Kelley walks towards Jen and hugs her, "Good luck, Sheridan." 

"Thanks, KO." 

Kasey watches as her family makes their way towards the big glass doors and feels an arm wrap around her waist. "They'll be fine, Kase." 

"Kelley, what are we going to be doing tonight at practice?" 

Kelley looks at Kylie and smiles, "How about we just have a scrimmage tonight? I'm not really feeling like doing drills tonight." 

"Yes! Can I have Brianna on my team?" 

"Of course. You okay with stopping at Subway to get something to eat on the way to the dome?" 

Kylie nods and they head out of the parking structure into the Ottawa night. 

Soon Kasey and Jen's flight to Orlando is called and they get themselves situated. Kasey decides just to put her head back and listen to some tunes to chill herself out while Jen watches a movie. Kasey falls asleep and is awoken by Jen nudging her arm and taking out her earbud. 

"Wake up sleepyhead, we're landing soon." 

"Have I been out that long?" 

Jen smiles and nods, "And snoring to boot." 

"I don't snore!" 

"Umm... yeah, you do! Remember who your roomie was on all of those road trips. You do snore Wild Thing, but, it's at least a cute snore." 

Kasey laughs and shakes her head as she gets packed up and awaits the landing at Orlando International. 

A few hours later, Kelley and Kylie arrive back at the apartment after the Purple Team's practice. 

"Hit the shower, Little Wild and the right to bed, okay?" 

Kylie takes off her jacket and boots while fighting a yawn. 

"Hey, Ky; remember that I'm going to be gone in the morning before you get up and that your Grandma is taking you to and picking you up from school." 

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