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A few weeks later, and while Kasey and Kelley are deep into making wedding plans, the goalkeeper reluctantly packs her clothes in advance of heading to The Keeper Institute and getting some training in before then making her way to Cary, North Carolina, for the Courage's Free Agent Tryouts. 

Kasey feels arms wrap around her from behind, and her body relaxes into them. "How's the packing coming? Do you have everything you need?"  

"The packing is going fine, but I definitely don't have a big enough suitcase to fit what I need." 

"There's a bigger one in the closet, Babe." 

Kasey laughs and turns to face her fiancee, "Do you think it's big enough to fit you inside?" 

Kelley shakes her head and smiles, "No. I'm afraid, not beautiful. You having second thoughts about leaving?" 

"How could I not be, there's so much to be done before the wedding, and I'm already so far behind on my schoolwork." 

"Kase, we've already got the dome on lockdown for the wedding, and Mario is looking after all the food except for the cake."

"And I've got the music covered."

"So, that leaves me with deciding on a cake, finding a dress and confirming our guests." 

"What about a photographer?" 

"Ummm? I'll see if the guy who did our engagement pics is available. Anything else that you can think of?" 


Kelley looks at her, "What'd I forget?" 

"To kiss your bride to be." 

Kelley smiles, "That I can do and hope to do over and over for the rest of our lives." 

After holding each other and sharing a few kisses, they separate so that Kasey can get back to packing.

Kelley sits down with a pen and notebook, "So, I already spoke with Mom, Dad and Erin, and they are all for sure coming. Jerry is going to do his best to get off for a couple of days so that he can come as well, but, won't know until it gets closer if his leave is approved. Outside of our immediate family, who else are we inviting?" 

"You know that you'll never hear the end of it if you don't invite your teammates from both the USWNT and Sky Blue, so you'd better get on that. I already spoke with Kriegs, and she and Ash have already booked their flights and room. Kailen and her girlfriend, Dom, have already confirmed via Jen, and I know Alex and Tobin will be arriving in town a bit early in order to help us out with any last-minute things. I also sent out a mass invite to my Crusader girls and Coaching Staff. It seemed only right as well as Paula and a few of my other former co-workers."

Kelley nods, "Why do I have a feeling that this is going to become bigger than either of us want?" 

"Because it already has."

"I'm going to miss you, beautiful." 

"I haven't even left yet, and already I miss you, Kel. You are my air, and I need you in order to breathe."

"We got this, Kase. You got this. One week and then I'll be meeting you in North Carolina to go house hunting with you and also to personally invite HAO to the wedding." 

"I'm looking forward to meeting HAO, although I feel like I already know her based on all the stories you've told me."

Kelley smiles and nods. 

"It's going to be so weird staying in your apartment and you not being there with me." 

"I know, but it's better than paying for a hotel for a couple of days, and this way, you can snoop around in my stuff without the chance of being interrupted. Don't forget that Kailen and Jill are only a message or phone call away if you need anything, and I'm sure there will be a couple of girls from Sky Blue reaching out if they are in the area."  

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