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Kasey and Kelley lay in the bed of their San Francisco hotel room and watch the the ending of the North Carolina Courage and Chicago Red Stars rematch being played in Bridgeview. 

As the final whistle sounds out, Kasey can only shake her head as her team suffers their first lost on the season. "Don't touch your phone, Kase." 

"I wasn't." 

Kelley looks at her and half smiles, "Kase, I know you and I know your first instinct is to want to give feedback to the girls. Kate, didn't have a good game and gave up a couple of nervy goals, but, you have to expect that after she hasn't been playing and or starting. Also, considering the nucleus of your team is here right now and not in Chicago, it, was to be expected that they wouldn't fair well against the Red Stars. Now, turn off the television. I'm going to run us a nice, hot, bath and we can relax before bed. We both need to focus on the game against South Africa tomorrow and not what our respective NWSL teams are doing currently, because; it's almost World Cup time, Baby!" 

Kasey chuckles, "I know, it's just ..." 

Kelley shakes her head and smiles, "We can't control what happens to our teams while we're away, so, you need to make peace with that. I know for a control freak like you, that's extremely difficult, but, it needs to be done."

"I'm not a control freak." 

"Yeah, Babe; you are. But, it's one of the things I love about you." Kelley laughs and heads towards the bathroom, "So, you coming or what?" 

"Not yet, but, I'm sure I will be soon." Kasey winks as she says it, knowing that her wife has never missed the chance to use a similar response. 

Kasey lays back against Kelley's chest, the tub is small and they're cramped in it, but, both are too busy enjoying being able to spend some alone time to care. 

"I forgot how much I missed this." 

Kelley kisses Kasey's head, "Me too. Facetiming and talking on the phone is all good, but, they don't keep me warm at night. I miss fighting for the covers with you." 

Kasey chuckles, "I don't miss your snoring." 

"I don't snore!" 

"You do, but, it's somewhat cute, except when you do that whistling thing, then, it's super annoying!" 

"And I end up with bruises on my shins from you kicking me." 


They hear a phone ringing in the room, "Whoever it is can leave a message." 

"It's probably mine; my publicist has been on me to do a sit down leading into the World Cup, now, that the final roster has been announced." 

"No rest for my uber talented wife." 

Kasey chuckles, "Kel, I was thinking." 

"That's where that smoke was coming from." 

Kasey splashes water towards Kelley and causes them both to break out in laughter. 

"I was thinking that perhaps, I should speak with Alyssa and ask her if she wants the #1 back for the tournament." 

"You've worked your ass off my that shirt, why, would you even consider giving it up now?" 

"Alyssa has seniority on me and I wouldn't feel right to keep it with her back on the roster."

"Babe, in case you haven't already realized, most players on the team have changed their number multiples times during their career with the US. It's kind of like a right of passage. I wore 19 at Stanford and Sky Blue, but, it wasn't available when I joined the US team, so, I ended up going with 5 and now that's my number for club and country. Alyssa, will get over it. Now, I don't know about you Wild Thing, but, I'm a little more pruny than I'm comfortable being and the waters gone cold." 

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