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The next morning the household is awoken by the loud sounds of someone banging on the front door and ringing the doorbell. 

"Alex, can you see who the hell is there? If I do, then I might be tempted to do something that leads to me behind bars." 

Alex laughs at Ashlyn's comment before getting up off the couch. She holds back Blue and Logan as she opens the door and finds the one person in the world who makes her heart race. 

"What are you doing here, Tobs?" 

"I don't even get a hug?" Tobin smiles at her, and she smiles back. 

"Come inside before the dogs make a run for it." Alex steps back and allows Tobin to step inside and drop her bag before wrapping her arms around her friend. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I received a message last night saying that you needed me; so, I grabbed the red-eye, and here I am. I went to your place first, and Serv answered; he didn't seem very happy to see me and told me that you were probably here." 

"What's going on, Lex? How can I help?" 

Alex looks at Tobin and feels her heart do that thing when she looks into the woman's kind albeit slightly bloodshot eyes. "I'm so glad that you're here, Tobs; I have so much to tell you. How about we take the dogs for their morning walk and talk?" 

Tobin smiles, "Whatever you need, I'm here for it and you." 

Alex lets out a chuckle, "Just let me put some shoes on and grab the leashes." 

Soon the two players and dogs make their way out of the house together, and the group that is assembled at the top of the stairs can't help but smile. 

"KO, were you the one who sent Tobin the message telling her that Alex needed her?"

Kelley smiles and nods, "Those two have been in love with each other forever and should be together. Perhaps, this will finally get them to admit to it."  

Kasey leans over and kisses Kelley's cheek and whispers in her ear, "I think I may have just fallen in love with you a bit more." 

"Alright, how about we get the coffee brewing and breakfast cooking. It's going to be a long day, and we might as well get it started." 

They all nod along with Ali's suggestion. 

"Umm, KO, isn't there something that you should be doing right about now?" 

Kelley looks at the blonde, and it takes a minute to register what she's referring to. "I'll be right back, Babe; I need to get something from my bag." 

Kelley disappears into the bedroom and returns with an envelope in her hand, passing it over to Kasey. "I wanted to get you something special for Christmas. I hope you like it." 

"Christmas isn't until next week, Kel." 

Kelley laughs, "I know, but this is a time-sensitive present, so open it already." 

Kasey opens the envelope and reads the information it contains along with the tickets for a behind-the-scenes tour with the elephants at Animal Kingdom, and the tears begin to flow, "OMG! You got us a behind-the-scenes tour with the elephants?" 

Kelley smiles and nods as Kasey almost knocks her to the ground by jumping into her arms and kissing her. "Kel, this is so amazing! Thank you! I love you! OMG, I'm going to see elephants up close!!" 

"At least we know that KO rates above elephants in Wild's books."

"Shut up and make me some coffee, Harris!" 

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