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Rather than heading directly home, Kasey decided instead to head for the dome and see if the field was available so that she could get a bit of a workout in. She was feeling the need to clear her head after having a rather loud and discouraging conversation with one of her classmates. They had been partnered up for an assignment and with the due date quickly approaching her partner had yet to contribute anything and she was feeling frustrated with her and also the fact that the instructor had pretty much told her that she was on her own to deal with it. 

A bit of exercise and kicking a ball around would go a long way towards helping her to chill out and also fight back the urge she currently had to cancel going out with Jen on the evening.  She would work out, then head home, maybe try working on the assignment and then get ready to go out for dinner with Jen and Kylie. She was actually looking forward to it, her friend always made her laugh, and she missed her warped sense of humour right now.

An hour into her workout she was feeling hot and her shirt was clinging to her in all the wrong ways, so she opted to take it off and continue to work out in just her bra. She did a bit more shooting and some juggling and just playing around for the next while unaware that she now had an audience watching her every move.  

Noting that she had been there longer than she meant, Kasey decided to finish out her workout by lining up some balls around the field and then one after the other shooting them downfield towards the goal. 

At the far entrance of the dome, members of the USWNT had been arriving for practice when they noticed the purple haired woman. Standing there in silence, they watched as she lined up balls across the field and then fired them. 

She lined a ball up on the opposite 18-yard line and got ready to kick. 

Kelley smiled with the knowledge that she knew the identity of the player currently putting on a display, "I got a $20 that says she makes the shot. Any takers?"  

"No chance, I'll take that bet!" said the US keeper Ashlyn Harris. 

Kasey lined up her shot and then took it. The US players watched as it easily made it to the other side and bounced into the back of the net. 

"Damn, I'll get you back at the hotel, KO," Ashlyn responded. 

With Kasey now finished, she quickly gathered up the balls and her stuff from the field, before heading into the changeroom. She figured to do her cooldown and some stretching at home before jumping in the shower. 

The US players watched on as she disappeared from sight and heard a whistle sound out. 

"Okay ladies, the show's over, let's get warmed up." Coach Jill Ellis yelled out. 

"Yes, Coach" they finished getting ready before starting to get warmed up. 

"What's on your mind KO? We can see smoke coming out your ears," joked Ashlyn as she jogged beside her. 

Kelley looked over at Ashlyn and smiled, "I really want to meet her." 

Ashlyn laughed, "Aww, does someone have a crush on the mystery woman?" 

Kelley nod wanting to add fuel to the fire at this point opted just to run ahead of Ashlyn as the keeper laughed at her. 

Later after their practice was complete, the players were gathering up their belongings from the bench and sideline. Kelley sat on one of the benches with her shoe in her hand, playing with the laces. 

"Earth to KO, wipe the drool off your face and focus!" 

"What?" Kelley looked up and noticed that she had a group of her teammates laughing at her. 

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