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It's now two weeks later, and Kasey has been getting in the extra hours she needs at placement by starting her days off earlier and arriving home just in time to help make supper. When she's not at placement, she's been doing her absolute best to continue to attend her classes and ensure that all of her assignments are complete and submitted on time. 

In the evenings, she, Kelley and Jen, along with a few of the local players, continue to train and work on the finer points of the goalkeeping position in Kasey's case. They've both been coaching Kylie's soccer team side and enjoying every minute of it. Kylie so far is loving wearing the gloves, and the team has played two games so far and been on the winning side both times. 

While Kelley finishes packing her overnight back for her trip to New York, Kasey feels less than motivated in the morning. 

"Kase, you need to leave soon, or you're going to be late for placement." 

Kasey wraps her arms around Kelley, "I'm not letting you go." 

Kelley laughs and kisses her, "I have to, Babe, it's important, not to mention I'll be back before you can even miss me." 

"I really don't want to go to placement today; I already know it's going to be a long day because there's a supply teacher." 

Kelley smiles, "You can handle that. Now, kiss me, and I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." 

Kasey kisses her and holds on to her, "Message me when you land in New York, okay?" 

"I will; I promise. Love you, beautiful." 

"Love you, Kel." 

Kasey takes a deep breath and collects her stuff from the floor before heading out into the hallway and over to Kylie's room. 

"Have a good day at school, Ky; don't forget that Grandma is picking you up today rather than Kelley." 

Kylie nods and continues to get ready for her day. "Bye, Mom." 

Kasey chuckles, "Bye, Ky; I'll see around supper time." 

Kasey grabs her stuff and puts on her winter jacket and boots before yelling into the apartment, "Bye guys, love you." and then heading out into the dark, cold morning. 

Kelley finishes her own packing and then drops the bag by the apartment door, "Kylie, we need to leave soon so that I can drop you off and then head to the airport to catch my flight." 

"Grandma said that she would take me this morning." 

Kelley smiles, "I know, but I've gotten used to it as part of my morning routine, and I enjoy spending the time with you." 

"I just need to do my teeth, face, hands and brush my hair, then we can head out. Can you do me a favour and make sure that my water bottle is in my bag, please?" 

"Already done, kiddo. I'm getting my jacket on." 

After cleaning Kelley's car off, they make the drive towards Kylie's school. 

"You're going to be back in time for practice tomorrow, right?" 

Kelley nods, "I should be back around lunchtime. I made sure that I wouldn't miss anything." 

"Cool. Have a good time in New York, Kelley. I wish I could go with you." 

Kelley smiles, "I'll make you a deal; one of these days, we're all going to New York and taking in some shows or games, okay?" 

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